Title: untitled
Fandom: Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys
Rating: PG
Summary: WIP
AN: Not ready to stick this on fanfic yet until I actually have some done, or realize I don't have any ideas, so I'll file it away here. Not that I've used this in over two years, but now's a good time to start!
Nancy flopped down on the bed and rubbed at her forehead, “Nice timing, Dad.”
Carson sank down on the chair nearby, “Are you all right?”
She nodded, “Just a headache, I let him think I was more out of it then I really was.”
Carson frowned, “I’m still not comfortable with you doing this-” he held up a hand when she started to protest, “-but it needs to be done, and I think you would do it anyway.”
Nancy gave him a sheepish grin and hurriedly changed the subject, “Was that Frank and Joe Hardy?”
Carson paused, “I think it was. I was too busy trying to remember my French to pay much attention.”
“I’ll have to find time to talk to them later,” Nancy decided, standing up and making a face, “Now I need to go get ready for dinner. It was nice of Isabella to lend me all these clothes, but now I’m worried about wrecking them.”
Carson smiled, “She’ll understand if they don’t all come back looking like new.”
Nancy nodded and disappeared through the door to her connected room. She hoped her dad was doing okay with all of this. It wasn’t usual for him to be this big a part of an investigation, but it wasn’t exactly a usual case either.
For the first time in a long time, she really wished she had had the chance to really know her mother. She shook off the feeling though. Now was not the time to deal with it- she needed to have a clear head meeting Reginald tonight. She hoped that she found a chance to talk to Frank and Joe soon; it would be nice to have some extra help if they were sticking around a while.