Title: Slash and Blogs
topgeargirl2Characters: Ianto/Gwen/Jack
Challenge: Blogging
Rating: PG13
A/N: No Spoilers, written for
tw100 Gwen stopped what she was doing and walked over to Ianto who was over by the coffee machine.
“Have you seen how many slash flicks have been blogged lately?” She asked which made Ianto look up at her in surprise.
“Yes but they are harmless aren’t they?” He asked. “I mean they’re not about Torchwood or aliens or anything weird like that.”
“No but....”
“Is that even possible?” Jack asked from Gwen’s computer. Ianto walked over with his coffee and looked at the screen.
“Want to try it sometime?” Ianto asked.
Jack smiled. “Only if I can use the handcuffs”