It's been ages, so let's do a meme

Nov 08, 2009 00:17

The rules
- Reply to this meme by typing "Squid".
- I will then give you 5 words that remind me of you.
- Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you

Given to me by banrai
Books, Jonathan, Denmark, games, vacations

I really really like books. Maybe it's because I grew up with books, I don't really know, but it feels like they've always been there. Our house is filled with books and I've got a third of my room covered in shelfspace mostly containing litterature of different sorts. I was actually pretty slow to learn how to read. I think it's because my parents and my teacher back then didn't feel like pushing me into something. I probably could have learnt a lot sooner but I'm not sure I would have liked reading as much as I do now if I had been forced to learn quicker. I don't actually remember anything in particular I loved as a kid but I seem to recall loving the pictures in">After man: a zoology of the future by Dougal Dixon. I kept borrowing my dad's copy of it so he finally gave me my own some years ago. There's just something about "unreal scientific litterature" like that that I adore. I have a small collection of different "beastiaries" and the like too. The way they present their "facts" like it's really like the world works even when I know it couldn't really be is fantastic. Only books can make pocket realities like that, because if it was a movie or something else it would just be "real in that world" not "This is what it could be in this world". I don't think that really makes sense, but I think what I'm trying to say is that it's different to imagine from things in books than from things in movies or sound because they can both tell you more and less about how that world would work. I like seeing how other people thing the world could be if you changed something about it, maybe that's why I sorta halfway secretly enjoy (the slightly more hardcore) science fiction. Everything is possible in books. I'll bet there's a million books out there I would love (and probably a billion times that that I wouldn't like at all).

He never did want to be what I thought I wanted him to be originally. I intended him to be evil but he did the fasted heel-face-turn of any character I've ever imagined up and ended up so sweet he probably would be nauseating if it wasn't because I keep forcing him into trouble he really didn't deserve. In many ways he's a lot different than me but somehow he's also kind of an embodiment of things I think would be good to remember. Mainly that he's always willing to help his friends even if it means he'll harm himself. I don't think I could do that.
I like to imagine that instead of a little shoulder devil and angel I have a Jonathan and a GrimGrin to watch over me. They aren't really good/evil but they are opposites and I guess Jonathan is standing in for "think of others before yourself". Maybe that's why he can handle all the bad things I put him through, as long as it's for somebody else he (and I?) firmly believe that it'll be okay. He isn't really sad in my mind, he's just concerned about things besides himself. And sometimes that's a good thing to be, just like it really isn't very good at other times.
Aside from all the halfbaked thoughtfull stuff he's quite simply a lot of fun to draw even if those extra arms can be a real problem. There's just something about him that makes me want to use him in stories even if I'm not really that good at it. I keep trying and I hope somebody I'll manage to get it to work. Like I keep telling myself: "Jonathan wouldn't give up".

Apparantly danes are some of the happiest people in the world. That scares me a bit, because I may like my countrya lot, but it sure isn't perfect and there's sad people here too, so if we're the happy people then there must be some very very sad people out there. But then again, I suppose we do have it pretty good. There's no real dangers, no big snarly animals that want to eat you, no catastrophies looming. I've never tried living in a place where that could be something to worry about and that's probably why I think like this. I find my country kinda flat and kinda boring because I know how it all is, but when I go away, even for a short time, I can see some of the things I forget when I'm just here. Little things, like the taste of the water and herring on bread. I think I actually like living in a tiny country too. I've been taught english pretty well, so I'm not limited to what we can get here and at the same time I can read and watch and experience something that most likely would never get imported to anywhere else. So I get to leech on english language cultures and I can speak and read one of the hardest language to learn in the world which is pretty cool. So it's a little harder to get a few things, but it's not impossible, so I really shouldn't complain. At the end I like this place a lot and I couldn't really imagine living anywhere else.

I really like games too, but I'm not very good at them. My parents are much better than me to tell the truth. There's only a handfull of games I've actually managed to finish. Grim Fandango, Amazon, FFIX andThe Longest Journey are the ones I can recall (and the ones telling actual stories). It really doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that I like puzzle games and good old adventure games based on that little list. But I have played my fair share of WoW just because... It's kinda fun in a totally brainless way. And you can collect things... Everybody likes collecting things. I think I like consol and pc games because they most often tell stories. It may not be good stories, but they at least attempt to create a world and it's interesting to explore it in whatever way they let you. That may be one of the reasons I'm not really that interested in all those stabby stabby shooty games and sportsgames that seems to be so many of out there.
I'm not very good at traditional games either, but I still like playing them, it's just a nice social thing. You can try to be social with videogames too, but somehow it's just not the same, there it's a bit more like watching a movie besides the fact that sometimes your commentary actually matters. I think I only know the rules of two cardgames and one of them is an obscure one nobody else has heard about. My dad tried to teach me one of the well-known ones a long time ago but it was just too much info for me to handle and I never did learn it. But I guess that's okay because there's always somebody who's ready to tell you how a particular cardgame works if it's needed. And it's not that often it happens for some reason. Maybe people are just too busy being distracted to feel like they have time to play cardgames.
But my friends and I are actually plotting to be silly and bring some game (probably Trivial Persuit) to a more-or-less public place and just sit there and play it. I think we liked the idea of taking over a couple of tables at a specific Burger King in Copenhagen. It's got a top floor that's only ever partly occupied so nobody should be too bothered by it, and we've spent something like 5 hours in that place before without anybody being annoyed. I'm sure that would be really fun. Games and friends are generally a good combination in my opinion.

When I travel it's almost always with my mom. Not because she forces me into it, not at all, it's just that it takes so much work to arrange anything at all with my friends I guess. And you never really can agree where to go and what to see when you travel more than 3 or 4 people together (but then you can just break off into smaller groups, and it's still fun, so I like travelling with friends too). That's what vacations mean to me by now. It's the time when I get to see someplace different with my mom or when I get to spend more time with my friends. It's being able to relax and just stop worrying about what I may or may not be doing wrong at that time. I wouldn't claim I'm particalarly "work focussed" but I try to do it all as well as I can and sometimes it means doing a lot of work in very little time because my plans turned out not to hold water (they never do, but now I plan for my plans to fail, so I guess I'm learning?) and I suppose speadreading a whole set of texts in less than 14 days to make sure I'm ready could be taken as some sort of afraid-to-get-stressed-ness. Vacations let me get away, let me experience something else that may not be new but nor is it the same, and I see that as a good thing. The fact that it doesn't have to be new is kinda important in my mind. When I find a place I like I like to return to it again and again. The place isn't really new but you notice the changes a lot more when there can be months or years between visits.
The less glorius version of vacations is when the "core" of my friends + whoever gets dragged along this time (The core is only about 4 or 5 people in my mind including myself and then there's a lot of on/off people whom I talk to less frequently) take a little week and occupy a summerhouse somewhere. It may not sound like much but I have actually aborted a trip with my mom to do this instead (she went alone, was a bit sad but understood my choice). It's just so much fun and we have this weird sort of understanding that we're all different kinds of nerds and it's okay. You can just be yourself and somehow we always end up finding things that somebody else get and can talk about. And there's tea and movies and it's all just great fun even if some of the inside jokes always takes a bit of explanation like why Satan is a beaver and what's up with "Kinky Pink". We can actually floor pretty much anybody not in the core (and sometimes some of them too) with whole conversations consisting of inside jokes and obscure jokes. Not that we really do that... very often. The mood is just different when you have several days and not just one or two and somehow I never get as tired of other people does so I gould possibly go on longer than any of the others. But It's most likely a good thing that there's a limit to it or it would just stop being interesting. It wouldn't be a vacation then, it would just be and I wouldn't get to get away from real life. And in the end That's what it is for me, a nice break from "real life".

That's about it. Next time I may or may not talk about what I did on my birthday, post photos of my room or talk about something else.
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