I miss Mo's narration. D:
Tabula Rasa is the name of a JLU episode. :D
Yeah, Peter. Your life ROCKS.
Nathan. Right. This should be fun; almost forgot about that missing senator.
If Sylar ever gets his body back, this is gonna be a nice buffet for him. : /
Seriously, man, no one has been able to control Sylar. What makes you think you can do better?
I love how Claire's healing power randomly has a limitation. I wonder if she can die from cancer.
Speedy boy looks like he might be the first to go.
It's so convenient that Damien just happens to be there. I wonder if his special ability is convenience.
Hiro is so cute.
Darn...what an unfortunate turn in a power.
Peter must have picked up Damien's power of convenience.
I love Peter's awkward "I was dead," laugh.
Hiro knows American sign language?
This dude is a manipulative blassreiter. I bet he killed his brother.
Wow, throwback to Charlie. Wasn't there a novel about Hiro trying to save Charlie and not...doing it?
Noah is pretty cool.
So if I found out that I was a serial killer, I wouldn't turn around and be all "Okay, time to go see the police officer now!"
Seriously, I dig Sylar's season one Peter hair.
Creepy. It's a total cult. D: