Mar 03, 2009 21:06

This mini-essay is sera’s fault, the hooker.

How to court a Kuhn.

You may have noticed that Kuhn has horrible self esteem issues, most of which are part of a self-harming cycle of fail, but! Still issues. So you may ask yourself, “how do I show Kuhn I care and want to help him without the possibility that he’ll be a jerkface to me?” A very good question!

1) Remember that his jerkfacing isn’t because he wants to hurt you. If anything it’s a reaction of him not wanting you to waste your time on him, because to him he sees that you worrying about him and getting hurt over things that happen to him is like, getting yourself worked up about a banana slug or something. To him just about everyone else in the world are people that are more worthwhile. And if people get tired of it or lash out at him if they feel hurt by his actions, then it not only reinforces his views about his self-worth, but also he blames himself for being stupid and not seeing that he was hurting people. In short, he’s an idiot.

2) To be obvious that you care about him and worry about him is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it slowly breaks down the arguments he has for his mindset and on the other, it makes him feel like he wants to correct the person’s thinking because they’re just going to get hurt later on by his actions and he wants to save them that pain.

3) Get under his skin without him knowing it. The Embryon (and in particular Cielo and Jinana) became friends with him, he was aware of that, but what he wasn’t aware of was that they became people that eventually that he felt secure with and might’ve at some point started to open up to more. With them he almost felt like he was worth something, and it was one of the driving things that made him desire the group to take him in as a part of the tribe. Moreover, it was done for the most part by them just being there for him and being good friends, and had things continued as they were in December, he might have possibly started to dislike himself a little less. Staying under his radar is key.

4) Have good morals and/or honor. Kuhn connects to people who have traits similar to those of his own, so Bat’s an exception to this, but for the most part, if he respects you, he’s more likely to listen to what you’re saying. He also connects to people who are in pain or need help, because he just plain wants to help people, but be aware that this type of connection doesn’t quite garner the type of respect that would make him listen to a person. In short, be awesome and he’ll respect you and probably listen to you. (Current examples of this: Jinana, Umeda, Gale to some degree, and if Roland wasn’t a face-punching douchenozzle ilu Roland stay this awesome, then him too)

5) It might really, really not be worth it. Taking on Kuhn’s issues is not an easy task, and for the people who don’t want to deal with a potential project that could not only turn around and bite them, but also might take a damn long while before he could see real improvement, might just want to stay friends at a moderate level. Well, even being good friends can be achieved as long as the person is aware that Kuhn has this double standard about himself. He has issues that can’t (and realistically wouldn’t be anyway) be resolved overnight, and people trying to “cure” him might be in for a long ride. However! Staying friends or even getting involved on a romantic level with him is something that still can be fun so don’t be afraid to talk to him, Kuhn loev friendships and butterfly socializing (just his player fails to throw him out into general mingling posts)

Also if you want this shounen retard to shamelessly flirt with you, you can always jump him baby~
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