Drop Meme!

Aug 01, 2009 02:01

Because clearly when I said that I'd do this the day after my Zhores one, I really meant a week.


IC: He was fine, then things went to hell either before or after Pi dropped, then he was okayish after soul-bonding time in zombie killing. Then Gale dropped and he started to worry about the tribe more again (and Cielo since if I remember correctly he totally got that something was up there). While things were getting back to normal, he got cluebatted that bat and the Embryon were having something close to a truce, I’m pretty damn sure that he also picked up that things weren’t right in cfud.

Then Jinana and Roland dropped. That affected him in more ways then he thought. After all he thought Roland just considered him this immature kid and liked to punch him in the face. Then all of a sudden wait what? He kinda liked him? Yeah Kuhn felt bad after that because he was kinda fond of Roland, even when he thought he was a douchenozzle. It made him feel that he’d wasted time that they could have been spending... well really anything other then him holding a grudge.

And Jinana... oh HELL. He had just gotten to the point mentally with Jinana like he had been with pi in the games. Sure, he cared for her deeply, but the romantic side of it was far overshadowed by respect and genuine friendship. If someone had told him that he would never have a chance with her romantically, I don’t think he’d mind. Jinana was someone who he honestly loved as much as Minase, and not only did he move past those feelings, but he found that he liked what he had with her possibly even more then the idea of a relationship. SO with that... oh fuck. To say he’s torn up is an understatement, but at the same time I have to freeze everything there because so much of it hinges on how that thread ends, and his interaction with Bat afterwards.

OOC: He’s been backburner’d so damn hard. First because there was a period of “fuck, when I apped him I didn’t expect him to be doing daily laps in the swamp of sadness. Where the hell did I go wrong?” and in my fail of communication and parental emergency trips to the hospital, this mini-plot that sorta happened and sorta was Not Just As Planned ended up dragging out way too fucking long. I was bitchy, schedules were as robust as a LJ server, and in the end I just went “fuck it”. So I didn’t really want to play him.

THEN I got Zhores in sometime and I’m still in the honeymoon phase with that character. THEN ALSO I got a job sometime after that which had me working 6 days a week... for a month, then I got dropped down to one day. AND THEN FURTHERMORE things sorta happened and I was in a blue funk and didn’t want to play at all. But after that, and the con, and things settling down, I want to play him again!

...The problem! I don’t know how that thread with Jinana is going to end. And right now the only thread I have out is with Bo, who Kuhn would either be happy or Fake!happy at no matter what. I’m seriously worried about idling him (I’ve been tagging scarcely), but I also don’t want to retcon a few weeks worth of posts/comments if I end up off the mark about his mental state. Also nudging heat about it is sort of the asshole thing to do, considering the entire dds/hack gang has been having interesting things come up.

SO! Yeah I don’t want to drop him, at all. I love playing him, and the thought of someone else picking him up makes me sadface foreeeever. BUT, I need to find a way to get a bearing on his emotional state FAST.

Plans: I DON’T KNOW. I honestly plan to review the games since I have them back and get ideas for posts. I have one that I want to do in august, but it’s a more somber one, and I’d rather get some crack in the water first. I DO want to do something with the hack cast in the caves though, or with the dds cast or... well hell, I haven’t shounen retard’d in ages, and he hasn’t thrown himself into terrible danger in a while!

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