Job Descriptions

Jun 14, 2011 16:26

Job Information
Here is the descriptions and uniforms for various jobs for characters who want to work or for people who need to NPC a worker into a situation.

Our generous founder and patron. Though the boss does not show up at our humble establishment, the boss is willing to take calls from our customers and grace them with wonderfuliousness.

Our managers are in charge of keeping the order and law in Toppings. They are your go to people whenever there's trouble. Complaints can even be filed to them! And they are ready to kick out anyone who needs to be. It's suspect that they're mostly really bored in their office, so it would be the only joys in their career.

Note that Managers are officially your mods! However, as characters they can still be NPCed by everyone. You don't need permission to see someone being kicked out for roughhousing! However you can also contact them if you need any NPCing or for them to host an event and whatnot.

If mods want to create a specific NPC for themselves or use a character they have as a manager, which should be discussed with all mods and approved unanimously.

Team Managers
Team managers are actually morale keepers! They do the same job as everyone else, but they are also in charge of trying to keep up a good mood. There's one in every job category (except Janitor, since he doesn't feel like doing it). Basically, they're like cheerleaders!


Cashiers take your orders and hand them over to the cooks. There's also a few at the bakery/snack counter to get your cash and bring you your desired pastry/snack. Cashiers should take care to be polite and patient with even the most picky and hungry eater!


Our lovely waiter and waitresses are here to serve! If you opted to have food delivered to your table, they are the ones that will bring it to you. If you're looking for a table and cannot find one, they'll direct you to one! They'll clean recently vacated tables so people can sit down immediately. If there's an immediate minor problem you can go to them. Though if more help is necessary they can go to the managers.


The wonderful cooks who make your food for you the way you've ordered it! They stay in the kitchen and are generally not seen, but they are busy busy busy! They long for the day someone just tells them to "surprise me!" but until then... well, they'll be there.


They make sure every bit of the place is squeaky clean. If you're a messy eater, you might be judged. As mentioned, there is only one regular janitor working for us. He also designed the uniform, which is made from cheap material as so it's easily disposable. Janitors are in charge of thorough cleaning, from the floors to the bathroom. To thoroughly clean a place. They close off a small area of the restaurant piece at a time and make it sparkling.

Employee Rules
1 ) Be polite and patient with customers.
2 ) Serve the food that the customer ordered, exactly as they ordered it.
3 ) If there's trouble, report to the managers.
4 ) The restaurant is open ALL the time, so please take breaks. Do not exhaust yourselves!

Again, like restaurant rules, these rules are subject to be broken. However NPCs won't usually break them and they'll always wear the default uniform.

On Uniform Customization

Employees of course have their own personalities and we allow for people to limitedly customize their uniforms. We also believe in equality, so many of these options are with that taken to mind.

What is customizable:
» Females are allowed to wear pants and males allowed to wear skirts, if they so wish.
» Skirt/Pant/Socks/Collar length. You can go as conservative or shorter if you like. As long as it's not too sexy, okay? *
» Accessorize. Feel free to add your own accessories like hair clips, belts, suspenders if you can.

What is not:
» Uniform colors. These colors were chosen to specifically identify who works what job, you cannot modify them!
» Sleeve length. Yes.
» * Exception to the above rule is Janitors. Though you can modify the lengths, the full body must be covered at all times! Janitor's orders!
» No grade A zettai ryouiki. We're serious. This is a family establishment! That is just too sexy for this place. This goes for males as well!

Pose for all uniform images is from a base by ~NoFlutter


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