it just means you are trying to do too much with your time and arent relaxing at all, which makes u feel like u are insane, which makes u think u need more therapy
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which is problematic as I must keep pushing on with the review material. i think i get about 70% of it, and the rest of the 30% errors are split between comprehension/misreading, blanking on the formulas, and math mistakes. this is only the first unit, which is ostensibly the easy stuff... wait till we get to thermodynamics and electricity. oy!
after gaining 20 lbs immediately after the wedding and losing weight veeeeeery sloooowly for the past 6 months, im finally back in the 150's. yay!!! havent weighed this little since.... pesach of last year??
i woke up in the middle of the night with the most horrific stomach pain. this must be what babies with colic feel like. i just wanted to cry until someone showed up to pat my tummy or something. this happens whenever i eat any significant quantity of fiber-rich food in a day. what is wrong with me? am i allergic to fiber???