::Because I want you to know more about me::
Name/Nickname: Kennard
Age: 15
Please put the three votes here:
01 02 03 Likes: Anime/manga, chocolates, fangirling, books, internet, reality show, drawing, people supporting my ideas, being relaxed, being able to help people, unconventional ways to do something, when I have good time with others, musics, aniimals, kids, BLOOD (sorry, but this is no joke!), learning new things, fortune telling, games (ANY kinds of games), dolls, playing with words, knowing what others think AND feel, freedom.
Dislikes: My current life, no internet connection, hating, no modem, being ignored (actually, being rejected is better than being ignored, IMO), people who are so mean to animals and kids, no time to relax, people who dislike me, the ordinary ways, messy place, idiots, intellects (Man, they scare me A LOT!), intolerant people, perfectionists, being forced to do something I don't want to do, long and boring speech...The WORST. NIGHTMARE. EVER!
Pet peeves / Fears: Well, I think I have many...Being rejected, not being loved, heights, big animals, stinks, DEATH, and fear of losing my loved ones, and many more.
Hobbies and Talents: Singing, doodling, chatting with friends, reading, sleeping...And I bet I'm very good at reading others' feelings and know what other feels even though they don't tell me directly, and beside that, I'm good at annoying people and make them HATE me (I don't know if this counts too!)
Strong Points: Good sense of humor, self-conscious, can always find a word to say, diplomatic, smart, always act with thousand tactics, bold, understand myself well, good at remembering numbers and what other said, helpful, good taste for everything, wide interests.
Weak Points: Not being myself, easily hurt, EXTREMELY moody, childish, two-faced, arrogant brat, lazy, mumbles, can't handle situations very well, subjective, not loyal, short-tempered, dependent, dreamy, vengeful.
Explain, in a few words, what you believe defines your character:
I think I'm just an arrogant brat who demands anything and get upset when not meeting my expectations, and because of my egoistical nature, I may seem like a "two-faced" brat and I'll do anything to make people like/love me--yes, anything to get their attention!
::This or That::
Optimistic/Pessimistic or Realistic?: Quite pessimistic, but not very.
Brave or Coward?: I'm a total coward.
Confident or Modest?: Confident to the point of shameless.
Low, medium or high energy?: Usually high, but it gets lower when there's conflict. I'm not comfortable with conflicts, and moreover, I have to feel loved if they want to see my true high energy and enthusiastic nature.
Outgoing or Shy?: Usually outgoing, but can get very shy if I'm certain that I'll be rejected in that place.
Impulsive or Cautious?: Impulsive AND--maybe this is rather irrelevant, but--air-headed at the same time~
Fighter or Lover?: Definitely lover.
Leader of Follower?: Usually follower, but I prefer leading to following.
::Is slightly different from what I'm seeking::
Welcome to high school life! ...Oh, hai. Welcome to new high school and I hope this new school's environment is quite harmonious too! I want people to get along really well, and moreover, please don't hate each others! It's NOT healthy!
Stereotypes aren't always good but... which typical high school stereotype do you most associate with?: ...Uhmm, I'd say that I'm a cheerleader (although I'm not a true cheerleader). According to the website I found by googling *sorry, I forgot the URL TT___TT*, cheerleaders are often considered to be attractive and meanie at the same time...And yeah, I'm quite a meanie. Moreover, people always consider me to be attractive, though.
Classes, what is your favorite and what's your least favorite? I like any subjects as long as the teachers are pleasant and considerate, being able to counsel the students and understand my needs. Otherwise, I'd rather dislike the subject if I found the teacher have a "bad" personality.
Describe a normal, boring day of your school life: ...Well, I always be the one who is always getting saved by the teachers or my friend, for example: I forget the class' location, or I forget where are my stuffs, or maybe another things, and usually I can be found wandering around the school while the other students call me weirdo or something. When it's time to lunch, I'm almost always alone. Nobody likes me, period.
Inquiring minds want to know. Describe your typical lunch and where you would eat it My typical lunches are all from my schools and this applies not only for me but for the other students in my school too, and we always eat our lunch in cafeteria.
::Can it be, that no one ever thought that I'd be this obsessed with you?::
There's someone you like, how would you(or wouldn't you) go about confessing?: Although I'm very active and I like to be the one who confess, I'd rather act like I'm passive to hide my true active and dominant nature, because being rejected is VERY, VERY sickening to me--well, to be honest, I'll dislike someone who dislike me and I love someone who loves me back.
What if the person you like, is interested in someone else?: HAH!? How come they!? Well then I'll show them how things work in the real world! Maybe I'll get my friends to cooperate with me, and quietly taking them away from my crush so that I can have my crush, or else I'll try even MORE illegal ways! I use any means to get their attention.
Say you confessed and were not accepted. How would you feel and what would you do?: I'd be sad, upset, and swear revenge, AND starting to dislike them by keeping a distance from them. How could they reject me!? But if they beg forgiveness, I'll always ready to forgive them, but can't forget their faults and what they've done to me.
::That a future more wonderful than today is waiting
What is your favourite quote/lyric/poem/etc?: "Ya iyalah masa' ya iya dong," (sorry, I can't translate it into English TT___TT Indonesians, help me translate this please!!!) I think that quote is funny, but meaningful at the same time too.
If you had a theme song what would it be?: Ummm, can I pick Indonesian song? Wali Band - Cari Jodoh (or Searching for Soul mate in English). Never feel loved and EXTREMELY unpopular? That's me!
Anything Else? Haha, I feel that I'm far more arrogant and bratty when I write this app ^^"