Preparade!! Yay~

Sep 02, 2009 18:03

::Because I want you to know more about me::
Name/Nickname: Gabriella
Age: 15
Please put the three votes here:

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Likes: I love hanging out with my friends, also drawing, writing, and singing. Oh, and playing volleyball - which I won't be playing this season. -sob-
Dislikes: Rude, inconsiderate people! And people who complain about every dang thing in their life. So pretty much, just obnoxious, sleazy people who don't give a rat's behind about others.
Pet peeves / Fears: I have a lot of pet peeves regarding sounds. Like when people flick their nails with their other finger, do you know what I'm talking about? Oh, and people who eat noisily . . . I could list a bunch more, but yeah. My fears? Spiders, clowns and the future.
Hobbies and Talents: Singing, drawing, writing, and volleyball.
Strong Points: I'm a very "nurturing" person, so I'm pretty much the mother hen, as my friends like to say. Uh, let's see . . . I'm friendly - so long as you don't piss me off. Hmm . . . I take care of my friends and family to the best of my ability . . . and yeah . . .
Weak Points: I'm very impatient, if things are taking too long then I'll lash out - oh, and I have a short temper. And a potty mouth. Ha ha. Let's see - oh, I procrastinate like crazy and I'm very absent minded most of the time. Also - I'm gullible and very naive.

Explain, in a few words, what you believe defines your character: Well let's see, things that define my character. I would say that since I'm the nurturing type, that makes my character stick out. I'm also a worry-wort. On several accounts I've called my friends at parties where I knew there would be alcohol or weed and all that junk. Ha ha ^^;

::This or That::
Optimistic/Pessimistic or Realistic?: Optimist most of the time, nothing close to being realistic.
Brave or Coward?: Hmm . . . I'd like to think brave - well, I don't know. The majority of the time I act on pure gut and then after everything is done and through is when I'll get scared. Ha ha, logic there? None whatsoever.
Confident or Modest?: Hmm . . . modest, I find that sometimes confidence will lead to cockiness and an enlarged ego.
Low, medium or high energy?: Give me a couple months of conditioning and some time on the court, and I'll be filled with energy, that or right before a game! Ha ha, but out of season, low energy.
Outgoing or Shy?: Outgoing, ha ha, I'm not extremely shy, but it depends on who I'm with. If I have people with me such as friends, I'm typically outgoing.
Impulsive or Cautious?: Impulsive, hardly do I think things over.
Fighter or Lover?:  Typically a fighter, if it's my fight anyway :P
Leader of Follower?: Hmm - well, I'll use school for an example. Usually I'll let other people take lead, but the majority of the time they're not doing it, in my opinion, the more efficient way. So I take charge. That, or they're just goofing off so I do the work and yell at them later.

::Is slightly different from what I'm seeking::
Welcome to high school life!
Peachy :)
Steretypes aren't always good but... which typical high school stereotype do you most associate with?: Oh jeez, I don't really have one. My guy friends used to say I was a prep. But I'm really not. I don't know. I mean, my best buds are considered "Jocks" and "Preps" and are in the "Popular" crowd. But then I have my geeky little friends whom I adore just as much as I adore my popular friends! Ha ha, I love 'em all and I kind of just go wherever. I like hanging out with everyone. ;)
Classes, what is your favorite and what's your least favorite? Favorite - Art and English. Least - MATH . . . . 
Describe a normal, boring day of your school life: Hmm, go to classes, hang out with my friends, probably go home and REPEAT. Ha ha :)
Inquiring minds want to know. Describe your typical lunch and where you would eat it Normal Lunch? Whatever the hell they're serving. Uhm, lunch table with my friends?

::Can it be, that no one ever thought that I'd be this obsessed with you?::
There's someone you like, how would you(or wouldn't you) go about confessing?: Uhm, I'd probably just be really, or try to be, nonchalant with them. Probably saying something along the lines of "Hey, so I kinda, sorta like you . . ." or something like that. You know? Ha ha, that, or just say nothing at all and wait for the crush to go away by itself.
What if the person you like, is interested in someone else?: I'd be sad, but shrug it off. What am I supposed to do? Fight for their love? Pssh, I've got better things to do than to chase down a guy for his affection.
Say you confessed and were not accepted. How would you feel and what would you do?: I'd laugh, not a genuine one, and shrug it off. I'd probably avoid them for a good couple days, but whatever :)

::That a future more wonderful than today is waiting::
What is your favourite quote/lyric/poem/etc?: Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. ~Emily Bronte
If you had a theme song what would it be?: Uhm - oh jeez, probably something instrumental? I don't know . . . I'm going to say Ring a Bell for right now because I can . . . ?
Anything Else? Nope, sorry.

!stamped: minori, !stamped

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