Hi Everybody,
For those not on my mailing list, this is my Samhain Mailing message, with information on new events, classes and even a recipe.
Hello and Welcome,
As we enter the season of the witch and classes, workshops and gatherings have begun, I realize I haven't written in a little while and wanted to send out an update before Samhain is upon us. After many years of touring during the fall season, I'm ecstatic with my decision to stay in New England for October. I had just a quick two day jaunt to New Orleans to support the Witches of NOLA and I was taken care of splendidly, but now I'm back. I had fun drinking too much rum with fellow author Kristen Madden. Try walking a labyrinth then! But being home to explore the New England forests, despite the unusual snow showers, is wonderful.
We recently had our first fundraiser for The Temple of Witchcraft organization. It was a small, experimental workshop on the Mysteries of Merlin hosted by LIchenwood Herbals of N.H. Owner Christine Tolf was extremely generous with her time, energy and resources to host this event at Lichenwood. We had an excellent turn out and I got to unveil some new information and techniques based on my own personal work and research with the consciousness of Merlin. I'm sure it will end up in a book at some point, though don't hold your breath yet. I like to research, experiment and teach something for a few years before I commit it to a book. If you would like more information on the Temple of Witchcraft and its evolving mission as a Mystery School, Seminary and Ministerial Church, please visit our new website, www.templeofwitchcraft.org. We are fundraising to eventually obtain property for a physical site for a community center, teaching space and temple for ritual. We plan on doing more classes, fundraiser workshops and even some auctions to rally funds. I'm sure more information will be forthcoming a things progress.
While a Merlin book won't be out quite yet, I do, however, have a new offering for everyone. Late last month, my newest book, The Witch's Coin, was released through Llewellyn Publications. It's available at fine booksellers everywhere, as well as my own website, www.christopherpenczak.com. In these tough economic times, it's a manual for transforming our relationship with money. It includes training in casting money and success spells with a materia magicka of herbs, stones, oils and other ingredients, but I'm particularly proud of the rituals, meditations and pagan philosophies to transform your understanding of prosperity, what it truly means to prosper from a witch's perspective. The feedback I've gotten so far has been great and I'm excited to spread the word.
I have a few upcoming special holiday events for the Holiday Season that I'd like to tell you about:
Celebrate Samhain - I'll be giving a lecture on the Witch's Shield: Protection Magick and Psychic Self Defense at this amazingly great NH Event. It's on Saturday, October 24th and joining me will be the Gypsy Nomads, Karagan, Jimahl di Fiosa, Kevin Ross Emery, Lyrion Ap Tower, Dawn Hunt and many more. There will be lectures, vendors and performances. It's at the Peterborough Unitarian Universalist Church, 25 Main Street, Peterborough, NH. Visit www.CelebrateSamhain.com for more info.
Samhain Ritual for the Temple of Witchcraft in association with The Lap of the Goddess - After some confusion about the date (I do apologize) we'll be celebrating FRIDAY, October 30, at the Masonic Hall in Cambridge, MA at 7 PM. Be prepared for a wonderful, intense and unusual ritual, where we shall use ecastatic dance to descend to the underworld and commune with the ancestors of blood and spirit. Dancing is not mandatory for the ritual. Come in your ritual best and decorated for the holiday, and please, no gory Halloween costumes, but attire appropriate for ritual.
I'm also just about to close registration for the online year long Witchcraft I apprenticeship. If you are interested in joining us, please email me for an application ASAP. I still don't have exact details on my Australia trip, but as soon as I do they will be posted. I do know I'll be at the Pagan Summer Gathering, among others. So please check back if you are living in Australia. I'd love to see you. More info on all of my events can be found below or on my schedule for my website.
Lastly, as the Pokeberries turn almost black where I am living and I spent part of my Saturday making Pokeberry Ink, also known as Witch's Ink, I wanted to leave you with a recipe.
Witch's Poke Berry Ink
Ripe Poke Berries
Alcohol(80 PRoof or higher)
Gum Arabic
Small Quartz Crystal
Pick enough ripe poke berries to get a small bottle of juice. If you use a blender or food processor to liquify, make sure you quickly rinse out the materials. Poke is consider poisonous by many and it stains things quite easily. Strain through a strainer or coffee filter to separate the seeds and pulp from the dark magenta juice. You can tell ripe poke because the green berries have turned a deep purple, almost black, and the stems leading to them are a bright magenta. While sea salt or ammonia can be used as a fixative and preservative for the ink, but I prefer a simple 80 proof or higher alcohol. I mix equal parts berry juice to alcohol. Gum Arabic powder is mixed to thicken the ink, which should be shaken up every time you use it. I've heard of adding the ashes of a sacred fire to it instead, though I haven't tried it. The quartz crystal can be charged with energy of manifestation, further charging the ink. I like to do this near the New or Full Moon, as those are powerful times for me. You can even divide your ink into a Pokeberry Ink for Waxing Moon magick and another made during the Waning Moon for Waning spells. Poke ink will fade with time, so it's best to use it for spells, rather than journals or letters, though some documents from both the Revolution and Civil Wars appear to have used a fermeted Pokeberry ink recipe. One of its nicknames is Inkberry. I've found a metal nib pen used for an inkwell is best, though some cut feathers, particularly turkey feathers, at a sharp angle to make a pen nib.
I hope you enjoy and get time to get outside into the autumn colors.
Blessed be,
The Mysteries of Shamanic Witchcraft Series: Dream Magick
Tuesday Oct 20, 7-9:30 PM, $25
Myths & Maidens 189 Kelley Street, Manchester, NH 03102
(603) 867-8465
http://www.mythsandmaidens.com/Learn the techniques of magical dream work and how it applies in the context of shamanic witchcraft. Work on techniques for remembering and programming your dreams, interpreting their individual meanings, receiving higher guidance, prophetic dreams, lucid dreaming and dream travel. Learn about charms, rituals and meditations to help you maintain an active, healthy dream life. Learn the techniques of magical dream work. Work on techniques for remembering and programming your dreams, interpreting their individual meanings, receiving higher guidance, prophetic dreams, lucid dreaming and dream travel. Learn about charms, rituals and meditations to help you maintain an active, healthy dream life.
Celebrate Samhain, NH
October 24
http://www.celebratesamhain.comPeterborough, NH
The Witch’s Shield: Protection Magick and Psychic Self Defense
Explore the techniques of psychic self defense and the rituals of protection magick. Learn how to protect and balance yourself and home. Discuss potential psychic dangers, drains and trauma from other people, your environment, and yourself. Understand how to counteract these dangers and create new healthy habits that will protect your energy. Create energetic protection shields through meditation and ritual. Explore your relationship with your guardian spirits, angels, deities and totem animals. Work with protective crystals, herbs and symbols to make protection amulets. Explore the concepts of curse breaking, the evil eye, bindings and bottle spells. Learn energy cleansing techniques to create a balanced, sacred environment to promote health and well being. Grounded in a philosophy of spirituality and self empowerment, based on the book, The Witch’s Shield, by Christopher Penczak
The Mysteries of Shamanic Witchcraft Series: The Shadow Self
Tuesday Oct 27, 7-9:30 PM, $25
Myths & Maidens 189 Kelley Street, Manchester, NH 03102
(603) 867-8465
http://www.mythsandmaidens.com/The tradition of witchcraft and its deities are associated with the depths of the underworld and the darkness of the soul, though we act as the luminaries and torch bearers in the dark. Modern witches on the path are asked to explore their own shadow self, their own repressed thoughts, feelings and images. Instead of trying to vanquish the shadow, a task that is never successful, we are asked to integrate the shadow self into a healthy relationship and find it as a source of strength and comfort. Explore the workings of the shadow self, how to ‘distill” it into manifestation and how to heal the relationship and partner with it as a spirit ally through the lens of the shamanic traditions of witchcraft.
Samhain: The Feast of the Dead
Friday, Oct 30
7- 9 PM
Cambridge Masonic Building 1950 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140.
Lap of the Goddess Productions. Write lapofthegoddess@hotmail.com to register.
The blood of our ancestors flows freely in our veins, bringing both blessings and burdens. The stars of our spirit family flow in our souls, bringing guidance and connection. At this time of Scorpionic energies, the veil between the worlds is thinnest, and we commune with the ancestors, spirits and gods more clearly. Traditionally on this Celtic new year, the third harvest and fire festival, we make peace with those who have gone before us, receiving wisdom from the ancestors, redeeming them while honoring the gods of the underworld. During this intense ritual, work with the powers of the otherworld through ritual, dance and visionary journey. You are welcome to bring a memento or photograph of an ancestor, blood relative, spiritual relative or other deceased person you love or admire, for the ancestor altar. All faiths and traditions welcome. Sliding scale of $15-$25.
Witchcraft I: Building the Inner Temple Year Online Apprenticeship
Nov 2009 - Nov 2010
An online version of the Inner Temple year long apprenticeship, available for the first time. Experience direct tutoring in the practice of modern witchcraft through self directed study, online discussion, supplementary online material and homework assignments. Topics include the history and role of the witch, magickal ethics, trance inducing techniques, instant magick, magickal theory, energy manipulation, protection magick, psychic self defense, psychic development, aura gazing, aura cleansing, chakra balancing, psychic healing, spirit guide contact, past life exploration, shamanic journey and building your personal place of power, your inner temple or soul shrine. Develop a solid personal practice in the internal arts of witchcraft. Use "instant" meditative magick to transform your inner and outer life. Unlike many basic 101 courses, Witchcraft I provides a deep foundation for all magickal and spiritual studies, rather than a quick spell book and rituals. For those desiring to meditate, develop psychic skills and start the path of the witch. A foundation piece to further training in the five level Temple of Witchcraft tradition. This year long course fuses material from The Inner Temple of Witchcraft text (required reading) with previous unreleased rituals and rites. The Inner Temple CD Companion is also required for the online class. Students are expected to complete required homework assignments. Please register in advance. Payment $300.
The Witch’s Coin: Prosperity and Money Magick
Friday, Nov 6, 7-9:30 PM, $30 (Discount if taking weekend workshop)
6 PM Free Book Signing and Meet and Greet
11419 Concord Village Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63123 www.pathwaysstl.com/
Prosperity and money are the most requested goals of many beginning spell casters. Witches seek to live in balance and trust the Goddess and God to provide what is needed, but also must take an active role in creating our own success. Our philosophy is one of balance, harmony and FFFF - Flax, Flags, Fodder and Frigg, the essentials of life - Clothing, Home, Food and Love. Learn the differences between prosperity and abundance, and the flow of life. Understand the block we have to prosperity in each of the seven chakras. Explore how to attract these forces of prosperity into in a healthy, balanced way through rituals, meditations, charms, potions, spellcraft and goal setting.
Witchcraft II
Saturday and Sunday, Nov 7-8, 10 AM- 6 PM. $195 (or $175 if you registering with full payment for both Friday Night and the Weekend Intensive)
11419 Concord Village Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63123 www.pathwaysstl.com/
Witchcraft II involves training in the role of the priestess and priest of witchcraft. Learn all the tools you will need to understand and conduct your own magick circle rituals, moon circles and wheel of the year holiday celebrations. Explore the realm of the Goddess and God through world mythology, the four elements, sacred space, meditation and altar building. Work the craft of the witch through natural magick and spell work, including herbs, crystals, potions, charms, talismans, candles and symbols. Start a divination skill such as crystal scrying. Cast spells for protection, prosperity, love and happiness. Over this year you will be challenged to experience many forms of magick and nature based mysticism, in group settings and on your own. Claim your ability to manifest change and sacredness in your life, flowing with the cycles and seasons of the Earth, Moon and Sun. The Outer Temple of Witchcraft (Llewellyn) is required manual for the class, which should be read prior to the workshop.
Crystal Power: Stone Magick, Healing and Mysteries - Day Intensive
Saturday, Nov 14, 10 AM - 6 PM, $95
Circles of Wisdom, 90 Main St, Andover, MA 01810 (978) 474-8010 www.circlesofwisdom.com
Wise ones of both the ancient and the modern worlds look to the power encoded in colorful stones and minerals. These crystals have been used in amulets and talismans, jewelry and as birthstones, carried to draw blessings and good fortune, or avert harm and illness. Healers use the stones upon the body, in crystal grids and in gem elixirs to promote health and stimulate the life force. Mystics commune with the stones to understanding their timeless wisdom and mystery through meditation and ceremony. Explore all these facets of crystal work, including choosing, cleansing, programming and using stones for personal and planetary intentions. Learn to explore the stones intuitively and intellectually, using experimentation and an understanding of magickal correspondences. Beginners and more experienced practitioners welcomed.
Witchcraft II: Building the Outer Temple of Witchcraft
12 Wednesdays, 7- 10 PM
Nov 18, Dec 16, Jan 20, Feb 17, March 17, April 14, May 19, June 16, July14, Aug 18, Sept 8 (tent), Oct 20 Graduation Nov 20.
Salem, NH
Witchcraft II involves training in the role of the priestess and priest of witchcraft. Learn all the tools you will need to understand and conduct your own magick circle rituals, moon circles and wheel of the year holiday celebrations. Explore the realm of the Goddess and God through world mythology, the four elements, sacred space, meditation and altar building. Work the craft of the witch through natural magick and spell work, including herbs, crystals, potions, charms, talismans, candles and symbols. Start a divination skill such as crystal scrying. Cast spells for protection, prosperity, love and happiness. Over this year you will be challenged to experience many forms of magick and nature based mysticism, in group settings and on your own. Claim your ability to manifest change and sacredness in your life, flowing with the cycles and seasons of the Earth, Moon and Sun. The Outer Temple of Witchcraft (Llewellyn) is required manual for the class, which should be read prior to the workshop. Payment by Sept $300. By Oct $325. By Nov $375. Payment plan options available. Please inquire.
Witchcraft II: Building the Outer Temple of Witchcraft
Online Apprenticeship - Nov 2009 - Nov 2010
Witchcraft II involves training in the role of the priestess and priest of witchcraft. Learn all the tools you will need to understand and conduct your own magick circle rituals, moon circles and wheel of the year holiday celebrations. Explore the realm of the Goddess and God through world mythology, the four elements, sacred space, meditation and altar building. Work the craft of the witch through natural magick and spell work, including herbs, crystals, potions, charms, talismans, candles and symbols. Start a divination skill such as crystal scrying. Cast spells for protection, prosperity, love and happiness. Over this year you will be challenged to experience many forms of magick and nature based mysticism, in group settings and on your own. Claim your ability to manifest change and sacredness in your life, flowing with the cycles and seasons of the Earth, Moon and Sun. Experience direct tutoring in the practice of modern witchcraft through self directed study, online discussion, audio recordings, supplementary online material and homework. This year long course fuses material from The Outer Temple of Witchcraft text (required reading) with previous unreleased rituals and rites. The Outer Temple CD Companion is also required for the online class. Students are expected to complete required homework assignments. Please register in advance. Payment $300.
Reiki Master Teacher Certification Program
December 5, 2009, 9 AM - 6:30 PM
Salem, NH
Certified advanced class to be an independent Reiki Master. Receive your master-teacher initiation into the healing arts of Reiki. In this course learn the master symbols in both the Usui and Tibetan traditions, the microcosmic orbit, violet breath, to teach, pass practitioner and healing attunements and psychic surgery techniques. Come into your own power and style as a healing facilitator. All attendants must submit an application indicating independent study and be approved prior to the class. Independent study includes guidance and support through this preparation process. Call for application. Must have completed and approved application prior to class. $600.
The Gifts of the Goddess: The Thirteen Powers of the Witch
Saturday, Dec 12, 7-9:30 PM
The Cat, The Crow and the Crown
63R Pickering Wharf, Salem, Massachusetts (978) 744-6274
The Gospel of Aradia proclaims the witch is blessed with thirteen powers setting her or him apart from most people. These powers are simply magickal and psychic skills that we have a natural talent for, or learn to develop on the path of magick, yet few explore them directly in practical training. Together we shall explore the classic powers of blessings & cursing, bringing forth beauty, understanding secret signs, communing with animals, banishing, healing, love, good fortune, spirit communication, revealing treasure, weather magick, transformation and hearing the Voice of the Wind. Learn valuable insights on how to work each of the powers.
Yule: The Winter Solstice
Dec 19, 7- 9 PM
Cambridge Masonic Building 1950 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140.
Lap of the Goddess Productions. Write lapofthegoddess@hotmail.com to register.
The light flows through our souls and through our blood, renewed as the sun begins its waxing cycle at the Winter Solstice. Here we celebrate the Child of Light, both in the heavens and in our hearts, as we seek to hold the promise of renewal and hope in our hearts and minds. Aid us in birthing the Child of Light into the worlds as we start the journey into the next year. Witness the passing of power between the two halves of the God. The Oak King takes his mantle again as the Child of Light as the Horned Hunter and Holly King withdraws his dark power from the world. During this ritual, work with the powers of heavenly light within the world, through ceremony, journey, song and dance. All faiths and traditions welcome.