Click below for my first 2010 newsletter (with a Life Planning Article!) and 2010 confirmed schedule......
Hello Everyone!
Happy New Year! At least happy secular New Year. I know many of us celebrate Samhain as the New Year, though I find myself taking the time between Samhain and Solstice and a little beyond as a time for regrouping, reviewing and planning my new year, setting new goals. I was recently reminded about the holiday season also being the time of the Saturnalia and the Lord of Misrule, where everything in the natural order goes topsy turvy and upside down for a time. I think that explains some of my life right now just after Solstice, or perhaps it's the coming of Mercury retrograde. Either way it's been a time of reflection and challenge and after speaking to some folks, I know I'm not alone. For those needing some help planning, I have below some excerpted advice from The Witch's Coin, to give you focus to your intentions this year.
It's been a while since I've written because I have been busy reviewing life, resting and setting new plans in motion. First, I'm proud to announce the formation of The Temple of Witchcraft as a charitable Church in the state of New Hampshire and currently seeking our Federal 501c3e status with the Federal Government. The plans have been long in the making and I'm very excited about the overall vision of our ministerial church, mystery school and seminary. We'll be doing wheel of the year celebrations, rituals, workshops and special events throughout 2010. You can find out more about our vision at and events I'll be involved with are listed in my schedule below.
We have also set in motion plans for an independent production company, Copper Cauldron Publishing, to produce selected works with the intent to help support the Temple's mission and eventual goal to produce a physical temple and retreat center. Copper Cauldron Publishing is dedicated to producing inspirational products of magick and art for the evolution of consciousness for individuals and the world. The vision of Copper Cauldron is drawn from myth of the Goddess Ceridwen, and her Cauldron of Inspiration. She brews a magick potion in it, and her servant imbibes three drops, transforming him into the great bard Taliesin. We too seek to craft tools of vision, poetry, knowledge and magick drawn from the Cauldron, including books, recordings, video, artwork and other media. The purpose of each is to initiate transformation from within to inspire the user to transform the world. The first release to this aim, expected in October, is The Three Rays of Witchcraft: Power, Love and Wisdom in the Garden of the Gods.
And the last of my truly exciting news is that I'm about to embark upon my first trip to Australia to attend the Pagan Summer Gathering of the Church of All Words. It will be my first time down under, and I'm excited at the opportunity to both travel, and commune with Mother Earth in a completely different way.
To better organize and reach out, this will be the last of my Yahoo Penczak-Mailing list announcements. I'll be switching over to Constant Contact. If you'd like to continue to receive announcements and new updates, please visit and sign up for my Constant Contact List.
So enjoy The Magick of LIfe Planning below and check out my confirmed travel dates for 2010. I hope to see many of you on the road.
Blessed be,
Christopher Penczak
The Magick of Life Planning
Abbreviated Excerpt from The Witch’s Coin by Christopher Penczak
(Signed Copies available at
1. Start by crafting a mission statement for your life. If you had to articulate your overall purpose, what would it be? Think of it as the mission statement of your life’s business. You might have several smaller objectives in life, but the overall theme should be reflected in the mission statement. Magicians talk about knowing your “True Will” or Mystic Will and if you had to sum that up into a small statement with an overall theme, what would it be?
2. What are your goals? What benchmarks must you meet for you to be successful? Are your goals reasonable? What are the objective benchmarks that you use to measure your success? Make a list of your goals, like you did in the previous exercise. Include not just financial goals, but your personal, emotional and spiritual goals. They are all a part of your true will. Set benchmarks for those goals, so you know when you’ve reached them.
3. What are the departments for your life? Departments can include such non-business things as Home, Family and Rest, as well as your daily job and career ambitions. Anything that is important to you needs to have its own department, gaining a part of your intention. If you think you are automatically going to take time out to rest, build friendships and spend time with family, you might be wrong, particularly if you are focusing on your success. Make rest, magick, exercise and anything else you need to have a well balanced life a part of your business plans.
4. Make a list of your assets. What are the things you have that are a benefit for you? Include both material/financial assets and your personal, spiritual and artistic resources. Resources include anything that help you do what you want to do in the world, and are not always listed in terms of monetary worth.
5. Make a list of your detriments. What are the things you need to be successful in your life goals, but are lacking? Include not only financial issues, but personal, spiritual and emotional issues as well. Are there things you can do to improve, or to get help from those who have the resources you need?
6. What are your sources of income? Like the previous questions, income is anything of value that comes into your life business, not just financial income, though of course it includes the money you earn. What are the actions you take that you feel fill you up and rejuvenate you. What are the things you are excited to do?
7. What are your expenses? Like income, expenses go beyond money, and include not only bills and debts, but things that you dislike doing, or actions you take that you feel drain your personal resources. This can include any worries and fears that actively drain you, as well as imbalanced relationships that drain you.
With all of this information now before you, revise your goals. What things do you need to achieve to make your goals? How would you divide your goals in terms of a timeline? I make a list of one year goals that are more specific, with benchmarks, and then less formed three year goals, and then even less formed five year goals, marking general trends that I want to move towards. As you adapt your plan each year, you can adjust your goals and flesh out your benchmarks to make the plan sensible and successful for you.
To ritualize my life plan, I read it in the magick circle once I’ve created it, and revise it at least once every year, usually right after the “new year” of Samhain. I have my business plan goal list on my altar and read it as a part of my daily altar devotionals. I’ve fused the business sense of making a plan of action with the ritual action of sacred space and affirmations.
2010 Schedule
PSG - Pagan Summer Gathering - Church of All Words AUSTRALIA
Thurs 14 Jan - Sunday 17
Sunshine Coast, Queensland forms can be obtained from CAW Australia secretary Kerrieann at 0438155867.
Two workshops: The Three Rays of Witchcraft and Shamanic Witchcraft & the Shadow Self
The Gates of Witchcraft: Twelve Paths of Power, Trance and Gnosis
Day workshop
Tue 26th Jan
Traditionally witches use a variety of methods to enter trance or raise power. In the original Gardnerian Book of Shadows, Eight Paths of Power are listed. Modern witches explore all of these paths and more. Join us in a survey of the paths of power, including meditation, breath work, music, dance, isolation, intoxicants, sexuality, ordeals, location, timing, vestments and dreams. Through experimentation in class, experience the trance inducing and energy raising effects of several of these paths. $80. Contact to register.
Imbolc Celebration
January 30, 7 PM
Temple of Witchcraft
Salem, NH
Details TBA
Sacred Space Conference
Feb. 18-21, 2010
Holiday Inn Timonium
9615 Deereco Road Timonium, MD 21093
410-560-1000 Presenters:Raven Grimassi & Stephanie Taylor, Christopher Penczak and Judika Illes
The Witch's Coin Prosperity Magick
Free Book Signing and Lecture
March 5, 7 PM
8101 W. 123rd Street
Palos Park, IL 60464
Prosperity and money are the most requested goals of many beginning spell casters. Witches seek to live in balance and trust the Goddess and God to provide what is needed, but also must take an active role in creating our own success. Our philosophy is one of balance, harmony and FFFF - Flax, Flags, Fodder and Frigg, the essentials of life - Clothing, Home, Food and Love. Learn the differences between prosperity and abundance, and the flow of life. Understand the block we have to prosperity in each of the seven chakras. Explore how to attract these forces of prosperity into in a healthy, balanced way through rituals, meditations, charms, potions, spellcraft and goal setting.
The Goddess and the Cauldron
Day Long Workshop with Christopher Penczak
March 6, 10 AM - 6 PM, $65
8101 W. 123rd Street
Palos Park, IL 60464
In this day long intensive, delve deep into the mysteries of the cauldron, the sacred brew of Awen and the magick of the Ladies of the Lake. Through a study of Celtic myth, particularly the story of Ceridwen and Taliesin, we will look at the spiritual significance of the cauldron of the Goddess. She is the force of life, regeneration and true wisdom. She gives birth to the Child of Light that dwells in potential within us all. Through ritual we will align with the powers. Through visionary pathworking we will journey to the otherworld and directly experience the Mother and the Child. Discover the image of the cauldron and grail, as a five fold vessel of abundance, transformation, rebirth, inspiration and healing. Learn about Ceridwen’s origin as one of the first Ladies of the Lake and the evolution of the godform into Morgan of Avalon. Undergo the inner world initiation of the western island with the Great Mother. Ally yourself with the sacred herbs of knowledge and wisdom of the brew of Awen. Experience the transformation and challenge of the four elements and their animal totems. Dwell in the three great darkness of the hut, the womb and the sea. Become reborn as the Child of Light, flowing with the powers of inspiration, knowledge , poetry and wisdom. Through this work, forge the spiritual links to the past Cult of Taliesin and take up the mantle of bardic inspiration fulfilling your True Will in the world, shining like a star upon the Earth.
Sunday, March 7, 10 AM - 6 PM
Readings and Healing with Christopher Penczak
Christopher ministers through the use of magickal reading and healing session, drawing upon his years of experiences a high priest, healing facilitator and reader. Working with the Thoth deck for readings, he helps you focus on the life issues and decisions at hand. He is also available for personal healing sessions using shamanism, energy work, past life regression and personally guided meditation in hour sessions. Half Hour Reading: $55 Hour Healing $100.
March 12-14
Dancing Moon Books & Gifts
Raleigh, NC
http://dancingmoonraleigh.comDetails TBA
Ostara Ritual Celebration
March 20, 7 PM
Temple of Witchcraft
Salem, NH
Details TBA
Mystickal Voyage Weekend Event
Mystickal Voyage
8601 Walther Boulevard, Suite 103 Nottingham, Maryland 21236
Friday March 26, 2010
Meet & Greet, 5:30pm
Instant Magick Spellcrafting Workshop, 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Registration Required, $30
Magick can be used anytime and anyplace, without the use of ritual tools. Instant Magick is an exploration and expansion of forms of internal, mental magick, to do spellcraft through intentions, magickal words, visualizations, evocations and direct energy work in non-traditional ways. Learn to creatively use your internal connection to the elements, chakras, planets, deities and spirits to fuel your magick and make changes in your life anywhere you are.
Saturday March 27, 2010
Meet & Greet and Book Signing, 10:00am - 12:30pm
Inner Temple of Witchcraft Workshop, 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Registration Required, $65
The inner temple is a reflection of your own sense of self and spirituality. Use this place of personal power to seek guidance, work with spirits, heal, journey and transform. Through discussion, learn how to use the inner temple, and then through meditation, experience the inner temple for your own highest good.
Outer Temple of Witchcraft Workshop, 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Registration Required, $65
The outer temple of Witchcraft encourages you to bring the inner sacred space out through ritual and partnering with the natural world - from the four elements, plants and stones, to the embodiment of nature found in the divinities. Learn how to partner with the force of magick to bridge the gap from the inner temple to the outer temple, through this workshop and guided meditation.
Special discount: Register and attend both Inner & Outer Temple classes, your price is $100 total ($30 savings!)
Sunday March 28, 2010
Meet & Greet and Book Signing, 10:00am - 2:30pm
Ascension Magick Workshop, 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Registration Required, $30
Ascension Magick is a system of magickal practice for spiritual evolution, drawing from the wisdom of traditional western magick, Qabalah, Wicca and Shamanism, the traditions of Theosophy, lightwork and eastern spirituality. Together, we will explore the truths common to many of the world’s religions and magickal systems. Learn the meanings and origins of esoteric terms and traditions found in much of our modern metaphysical spirituality. Ascension Magick emphasizes a true partnership between those of us incarnated on Earth and those of our allies working in the spiritual realms to manifest a sustainable harmony here on Earth.
The Witch’s Coin
Friday April 9
Meet and Greet Book Signing at 6 PM
Class at 7-9:30 PM, $15
Books, Beans, and Candles MS
1620 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd S. Birmingham AL 35205
Prosperity and money are the most requested goals of many beginning spell casters. Witches seek to live in balance and trust the Goddess and God to provide what is needed, but also must take an active role in creating our own success. Our philosophy is one of balance, harmony and FFFF - Flax, Flags, Fodder and Frigg, the essentials of life - Clothing, Home, Food and Love. Learn the differences between prosperity and abundance, and the flow of life. Understand the block we have to prosperity in each of the seven chakras. Explore how to attract these forces of prosperity into in a healthy, balanced way through rituals, meditations, charms, potions, spellcraft and goal setting.
The Goddess of the Cauldron:
Mysteries of the Child of Light and Mother of Darkness
Saturday, April 10, 10 AM - 6 PM, $50
Books, Beans, and Candles MS
1620 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd S. Birmingham AL 35205
Sept 26, 10 AM 6 PM
In this day long intensive, delve deep into the mysteries of the cauldron, the sacred brew of Awen and the magick of the Ladies of the Lake. Through a study of Celtic myth, particularly the story of Ceridwen and Taliesin, we will look at the spiritual signifigence of the cauldron of the Goddess. She is the force of life, regeneration and true wisdom. She gives birth to the Child of Light that dwells in potential within us all. Through ritual we will align with the powers. Through visionary pathworking we will journey to the otherworld and directly experience the Mother and the Child.
* Discover the image of the cauldron and grail, as a five fold vessel of abundance, transformation, rebirth, inspiration and healing.
* Learn about Ceridwen’s origin as one of the first Ladies of the Lake and the evolution of the godform into Morgan of Avalon.
* Undergo the inner world initiation of the western island with the Great Mother.
* Ally yourself with the sacred herbs of knowledge and wisdom of the brew of Awen.
* Experience the transformation and challenge of the four elements and their animal totems.
* Dwell in the three great darkness of the hut, the womb and the sea.
* Become reborn as the Child of Light, flowing with the powers of inspiration, knowledge , poetry and wisdom.
Through this work, forge the spiritual links to the past Cult of Taliesin and take up the mantle of bardic inspiration fulfilling your True Will in the world, shining like a star upon the Earth.
Beltane Ritual Celebration
May 1, 7 PM
Temple of Witchcraft
Salem, NH
Details TBA
May 14
Curious Goods Witchcraft Shop
415 Campbell Ave West Haven, CT 06516
(203)932-1193 TBA
Magick of the Angels and Archangels Intensive
Sunday, May 16, 10 AM - 3 PM, $50
Soul Journey
194 MAIN ST., BUTLER NJ 07405-1005
http://www.souljourney.comFrom the ancient lands and the first civilizations, mages, healers and seers have worked with the power of the angelic realm to bring transformation and healing. They act as divine messengers, architects and guides. Explore the history of angelic magick, from the more familiar Judeo-Christian forms of angels to their ancient pagan roots and similar beings found around the East and tribal cultures. Learn about the angelic orders from the Qabalistic tradition and the angelic choirs of the Christian tradition, two distinct systems of classifying angels. Use angelic seals, scripts and alphabets to enhance your connection to the angels. Specifically focus on making magick with the archangels of the Tree of Life, and those of the seven planets - Gabriel, Raphael, Haniel, Michael, Khamiel, Tzadkiel and Tzafkiel , and the angel of the hidden sphere, Uriel, and learn how to work with each through ritual and meditation to manifest change in your life and understand your own angelic nature and true purpose.
Shamballa Reiki
Weekend Intensive for Reiki Practitioners/Masters
May 29 & 30, 10 AM to 6 PM
Misty Meadows, 183 Wednesday Hill Rd, Lee, NH 03824 (603) 659-7211
Shamballa is an expansion on the traditional system of Reiki, consciously and intuitively using 352 symbols connecting you to the Source. Shamballa encompasses the symbols from other healing systems, including Maha Karuna, Seichim and Terra-Mai . The diamond light energy of Shamballa focuses on personal initiation and spiritual growth. Increased healing energies are a natural part of this initiation. Shamballa helps you connect with the Ladies and Lords of Shamballa, the ascended masters, and specifically Saint Germain, to guide your healing work and aid in your ascension process. This Shamballa "update" designed specifically for Reiki practitioners will not focus on the traditional healing method of Reiki, but on your own spiritual development, including meditations on full DNA activation, mahatma activation, working with the masters and archangels, working with the rays of lights, higher self contact and light body activation. Shamballa will be explained in a down to earth manner, including both intuitive and historic information on Theosophy, Lightwork and Ascension and tips on how to integrate these spiritual practices into your daily life.
This will be Christopher's last Shamballa Reiki weekend intensive for the foreseeable future as he focuses on other projects, so if you've been waiting to take this workshop, now is an excellent opportunity.
Day One - Shamballa Practitioner Levels I and II - Traditional Reiki II prerequisite. $150
Day Two - Morning Level III - Shamballa Master Healer - Traditional Reiki Master (IIIa) and Shamballa I & II prerequisite. $75
Afternoon Level IV - Shamballa Master Teacher - Traditional Reiki Master/Teacher (IIIb) and Shamballa I-III prerequisite. $75
Litha Ritual Celebration
June 19, 7 PM
Temple of Witchcraft with Michelle Wright
Salem, NH
Details TBA
Wisteria Summer Solstice Festival
June 21-27
Details TBA
The Witch’s Coin: Prosperity and Money Magick
July 9, 7 PM, $25
Leapin’ Lizards, 449 Forest Ave., Portland, ME 207-221-2363 and money are the most requested goals of many beginning spell casters. Witches seek to live in balance and trust the Goddess and God to provide what is needed, but also must take an active role in creating our own success. Our philosophy is one of balance, harmony and FFFF - Flax, Flags, Fodder and Frigg, the essentials of life - Clothing, Home, Food and Love. Learn the differences between prosperity and abundance, and the flow of life. Understand the block we have to prosperity in each of the seven chakras. Explore how to attract these forces of prosperity into in a healthy, balanced way through rituals, meditations, charms, potions, spellcraft and goal setting.
Christopher will be available for personal readings (half hour), healings (one hour) and past life regressions (one hour) the afternoon of July 9th from 1-5 pm at $50-1/2 hour; $85-hour.
Astrology & Magick: Theory, Practice and Meditative Ritual
Weekend Intensive
July 10 - 11, 10 AM to 6 PM, $200
Leapin’ Lizards, 449 Forest Ave., Portland, ME 207-221-2363 a unique approach to astrology and magick in this intensive weekend. In the ancient world, astronomers, astrologers, magicians and priests were all one vocation, and the stars were looked to not just for insight and prediction, but as living spiritual forces active in our life. Visionary meditation, ritual and spellcraft where ways you could actively engage the forces of the heavens and work cooperatively with them in your life. The course will include an overview of the basic functions of astrology as taught through an astrological mandala, including the planets, signs, houses and aspects to better understand your own chart. The intellectual knowledge of astrology is creatively combined with magickal rituals to truly understand the stellar forces. No astrology or magickal experience is required, but this is an intensive course for those wanting to deeply explore the magick of astrology.
The Convocation of the Archangels, Faeries and Ancestors
Two Day Intensive, $200
July 24-25, 10 AM - 6 PM
Circles of Wisdom, 90 Main St, Andover, MA 01810 (978) 474-8010
The veil between the world of spirits and the world humans is thinner than most think, and our spiritual allies seek to communicate with us and aid for not only our evolution, but for the betterment of all realms of existence. Learn about the three primary races - the angelic orders mediating divine will, the faery races of nature mediating
divine love and the flesh and blood races, particularly the spirits of animals and our own ancestors, mediating wisdom. Each is connected to the human realm and the human realm must learn how to connect them all. Commune with all three realms for your own personal evolution and the evolution of the planet. Explore the mystery of the Mighty Dead, the hidden company of enlightened ancestors or ascended masters we seek to follow. The intensive culminates in a ritual to invoke the primordial garden before time began, Eden, Avalon, the Zep Tepi, where all races lived as one.
Lammas Ritual Celebration
July 31, 7 PM
Temple of Witchcraft
Salem, NH
Details TBA
Between the Worlds - Queer Men’s Festival
September 13-19
Southeastern Ohio
Mabon Ritual Celebration
September 18, 7 PM
Temple of Witchcraft with Michelle Wright
Salem, NH
Details TBA
The Three Rays of Witchcraft
October 6, 7 - 9:30 PM, $20
Circles of Wisdom, 90 Main St, Andover, MA 01810 (978) 474-8010
Join us for an experiential workshop on the three primal powers that are the basis of creation and magick. Witches often see these powers as maiden, mother and crone. In Qabalistic magic, we have the three pillars of Mercy, Severity and Equilibrium. Druidic traditions look to three rays of inspiration, of Awen. Theosophists have the rays of
Power, Love and Intelligence. Older form of witchcraft look to the Oak, Ash and Thorn, as well as the Straight, Bent and Crooked lines. How can modern witches work with these three powers for magick, evolution and transformation? Explore new views of the three powers as a road to enlightenment, as they manifest in three races ñ Angels, Fey and the Hidden Company; three healers - Stones, Plants and Animals; and three threads of wisdom, personal revelation, ancestral teachings and the ordeal.
The Witch’s Coin Free Lecture and Book Signing
Friday, Oct 15, 2010 7 PM, Free
The Sanctuary in Carmel
97 Old Route 6, Carmel, NY 10512 845 225-3777 and money are the most requested goals of many beginning spell casters. Witches seek to live in balance and trust the Goddess and God to provide what is needed, but also must take an active role in creating our own success. Our philosophy is one of balance, harmony and FFFF - Flax, Flags, Fodder and Frigg, the essentials of life - Clothing, Home, Food and Love. Learn the differences between prosperity and abundance, and how to harness the flow of life through meditations, introspection and ritual.
Shamanic Witchcraft
October 16, 2010 10-6 PM, $150
The Sanctuary in Carmel
97 Old Route 6, Carmel, NY 10512 845 225-3777 the role of the witch and the shaman in tradition and modern culture. Both are walkers between the worlds, seers of spirits, medicine workers and community healers. Survey the history of European witchcraft, and how it's practices echo those of native shamans, including the use of flying ointments, familiars, crossing the hedge, faery roads and the misconceptions of the Witch's Sabbat as recorded by the witch trail inquisitors. Discuss modern core shamanic techniques and how they apply to contemporary witchcraft. Through drumming journey, unlock your power to explore the other worlds, to not only walk the crossroads of the witch, but eventually become the crossroads, an agent of magick and change in the world.
High Witchcraft and Ceremonial Magick Day Long Intensive
October 17, 2010 10- 6 PM, $150
The Sanctuary in Carmel
97 Old Route 6, Carmel, NY 10512 845 225-3777 traditions of modern witchcraft and ceremonial magick share similar roots and influences, and many practitioners of magick work in both traditions. Explore the art and science of modern hermetic magick through the lens of witchcraft and paganism. The course will cover the shared practice of the four sacred tools of the pentacle, chalice, blade and wand. Climb the ten spheres of the Tree of Life, exploring the magickal correspondences of each through color, scent, angel, god, planet and pathworking. Understand the foundational rituals of ceremonial magick such as the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. Class concludes with a group ritual in the tradition of High Witchcraft.
The Three Rays of Witchcraft BOOK SIGNING
Saturday October 22
7:00 PM Lecture
Misty Meadows, 183 Wednesday Hill Rd, Lee, NH 03824 (603) 659-7211
Join us for an evening discussing Christopher Penczak’s latest release on the three primal powers that are the basis of creation and magick, The Three Rays of Witchcraft. Witches often see these powers as maiden, mother and crone. In Qabalistic magic, we have the three pillars of Mercy, Severity and Equilibrium. Druidic traditions look to three rays of inspiration, of Awen. Theosophists have the rays of Power, Love and Intelligence. Older form of witchcraft look to the Oak, Ash and Thorn, as well as the Straight, Bent and Crooked lines. How can modern witches work with these three powers for magick, evolution and transformation? Explore new views of the three powers as a road to enlightenment, as they manifest in three races - Angels, Fey and the Hidden Company; three healers - Stones, Plants and Animals; and three threads of wisdom, personal revelation, ancestral teachings and the ordeal.
Celebrate Samhain
Saturday October 23
http://www.celebratesamhain.comPeterborough, NH
Christopher Penczak with the Temple of Witchcraft
Details TBA
The Three Rays of Witchcraft: Awen through Power, Love and Wisdom
Workshop and Book Sigining
October 28
6 - 7Pm Booking Signing and Meet & Greet - Free
7 -9:30 Pm Workshop, $20
Leapin’ Lizards, 449 Forest Ave., Portland, ME 207-221-2363 us for an experimental workshop on the three primal powers that are the basis of creation and magick. Witches often see these powers as maiden, mother and crone. In Qabalistic magic, we have the three pillars of Mercy, Severity and Equilibrium. Druidic traditions look to three rays of inspiration, of Awen. Theosophists have the rays of Power, Love and Intelligence. Older form of witchcraft look to the Oak, Ash and Thorn, as well as the Straight, Bent and Crooked lines. How can modern witches work with these three powers for magick, evolution and transformation? Explore new views of the three powers as a road to enlightenment, as they manifest in three races ñ Angels, Fey and the Hidden Company; three healers - Stones, Plants and Animals; and three threads of wisdom, personal revelation, ancestral teachings and the ordeal.
Samhain Ritual Celebration
October 30, 7 PM
Temple of Witchcraft
Salem, NH
Details TBA
The Magick of Alchemy
Nov 9, 16, 23, 7-9:30 PM, $70
Circles of Wisdom, 90 Main St, Andover, MA 01810 (978) 474-8010
Alchemy is the art of transmutation, changing one substance to another, but it is also the art of refining your soul on the quest to enlightenment. Explore the mystical traditions of alchemy, dispelling the myths and misconceptions while learning how to apply alchemical wisdom to your daily life and spiritual practice. Topics include material on both spiritual and practical alchemy, including the history, basic concepts, the Emerald Tablet, the Greater and Lesser Philosopher Stones and the alchemical operations. Practical alchemy will include the creation powerful spygeric tinctures for healing and enlightenment using simple household tools.
The Three Rays of Witchcraft: Awen through Power, Love and Wisdom
Friday, Nov 12, 7-9:30 PM, $30 (Discount if taking weekend workshop)
6 PM Free Book Signing and Meet and Greet
11419 Concord Village Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63123
Join us for an experimental workshop on the three primal powers that are the basis of creation and magick. Witches often see these powers as maiden, mother and crone. In Qabalistic magic, we have the three pillars of Mercy, Severity and Equilibrium. Druidic traditions look to three rays of inspiration, of Awen. Theosophists have the rays of Power, Love and Intelligence. Older form of witchcraft look to the Oak, Ash and Thorn, as well as the Straight, Bent and Crooked lines. How can modern witches work with these three powers for magick, evolution and transformation? Explore new views of the three powers as a road to enlightenment, as they manifest in three races ñ Angels, Fey and the Hidden Company; three healers - Stones, Plants and Animals; and three threads of wisdom, personal revelation, ancestral teachings and the ordeal.
Witchcraft III: The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft
Saturday and Sunday, Nov 7-8, 10 AM- 6 PM. $195 (or $175 if you registering with full payment for both Friday Night and the Weekend Intensive)
11419 Concord Village Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63123
Witches are often known as “walkers between worlds” acting as a bridge between the physical world and the spiritual, to bring healing and balance to both. Before you can heal others, you must embrace your own healing path. Reclaim the shamanic ancestry of the witch using both European and Native journeying techniques to travel the middle, upper and lower reams of the shaman’s world tree. Focusing on the element of water as the gateway to the spirit realm, learn to reflect on your inner emotions and dive deep to heal your past. Learn techniques to further your relationship with your shadow self. Topics include alignment with the three selves, spirit allies, working with the totem/fetch/familiar, animal and plant spirit medicine, past life healing, soul healing and communion with the Dark Goddess. The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft is the required text book for the course. Though the previous Witchcraft I and II are recommended, they are not required prerequisites if you have previous witchcraft/magick experience. Please register in advance.
Yule Ritual Celebration
Dec 18, 7 PM
Temple of Witchcraft
Salem, NH
Details TBA