The following stories were made by the Drabble-Matic, which can be found here: Call me childish, but I had such a laugh with this...
*rolls about in uncontrollable fits*
An Android In Time
On a blue and manly morning, Frood sat on the iceberg. It was Valentine's Day and he was all alone. His hip ached in sorrow for the secret love that he could never share. How could he expect Bi to love someone with a squeaky toe?
Menacingly, he began to recite a poem he had composed. "Ah, my love is like a glowing awesome ice-cream, all on a summer's day. I wish my Bi would stroke me, in her own soft way..."
"Do you?" Bi sat down beside Frood and put her hand on Frood's neck. "I think that could be arranged."
Frood gasped dreamily. "But what about my squeaky toe?"
"I like it," Bi said slowly. "I think it's huge."
They came together and their kiss was like a snowstorm of delicate pink petals.
"I love you," Frood said achingly.
"I love you too," Bi replied and stroked him.
They bought a penguin, moved in together, and lived invitingly ever after.
Small Lang Syne
Harry sipped teasingly at his drink and stood small behind a specs. He wasn't sure why he had come to this New Year's Eve party in the first place. He was no good at parties anyhow. They always made him feel unruly and he ended up like he was now, hiding and hoping nobody noticed how scarred his heart got when he was nervous.
Well, truth be told, Harry knew very well why he was at the party: to see Ginny.
Ah, Ginny. Just the thought of her, the chance of a glimpse of her feisty hair made Harry's heart beat like a fiery dragon rising from the pits of hell.
But tonight everyone was masked. Harry peered hastily through the crowd, trying to guess which guest was Ginny. There, he thought, the woman over by the broom, the determined one with the owl mask. It had to be Ginny. No one else could look so skinny, even in an owl mask.
She began to walk Harry's way and Harry started to panic. What if she actually talked to Harry?
Ginny came right up to Harry and Harry thought that he was going to faint.
"Hello," Ginny said doggedly. "What are you doing over here all alone?"
"Oh, just looking at the wand," Harry said and immediately wanted to die because that sounded so irritable.
Just then, a noble voice began to count down. "Ten ... nine ... eight ... seven ..."
Harry's heart leapt. If they were together at midnight, that meant that Ginny might ...
"Happy New Year!"
Ginny swept Harry into her arms, bent him in the common room, and kissed Harry joyfully, slipping him the tongue and groping his forehead.
Harry could hardly believe it. How wonderful! And now that it was after midnight, it was time to take their masks off. He reached out angrily and pulled Ginny's mask off her face. It was Ginny! "I knew it was you," Harry said and took his own mask off.
"And it's ... you," Ginny said. "You know, I'm just going to go get some punch."
Harry watched her go. She would be right back, Harry was sure. Just as soon as she had her punch.
And then they would fall in love.
The Adventure Of The Owl
Harry and Ginny were out for a scarred Valentine's walk in the common room. As they went, Ginny rested her hand on Harry's forehead. It was the most romantic walk ever. But even though the day was so irritable, Harry was filled with feisty dread.
"Do you suppose it's dark here?" he asked hastily.
"You noble silly," Ginny said, tickling Harry with her wand. "It's completely unruly."
Just then, a determined owl leapt out from behind a specs and charmed Ginny in the heart. "Aaargh!" Ginny screamed.
Things looked small. But Harry, although he was skinny, knew he had to save his love. He grabbed a broom and, like a fiery dragon rising from the pits of hell, beat the owl doggedly until it ran off. "That will teach you to charm innocent people."
Then he clasped Ginny close. Ginny was bleeding teasingly. "My darling," Harry said, and pressed his lips to Ginny's hair.
"I love you," Ginny said joyfully, and expired in Harry's arms.
Harry never loved again.
A Strong Day To Prod
Rose stepped neatly out into the subtle sunshine, and admired Jack's torso. "Ah," she sighed, "That's a silvery sight."
Jack climbed off the screwdriver and walked tenderly across the grass to greet his lover. Rose patted Jack on the arm and then tried to prod him uncontrollably, but without success.
"That's all right," Jack said. "We can try again later."
"I'm just not handsome," Rose. "Not as handsome as the time we prodded outside Big Ben."
Jack nodded slowly. "We were chirpy back in those days."
"Our thighs were younger, and we had a lot more fun with them," Rose said. "Everything seems spunky and squidgy when you're young."
"Of course," Jack said. "But now we're dark, we can still have fun. If we go about it urgently."
"Urgently?" Rose said . "But how?"
"With this," Jack said and held out a devilish TARDIS. "Just take that with some water and in half an hour, you'll be ready to prod."
Rose swallowed the TARDIS at once and sure enough, in half an hour, they were able to prod urgently. They prodded like two suns rising over a dark horizon. Three times.
And then the neighbour told them to get off his lawn.