Fic - In the End

Mar 05, 2008 18:29

So, last minute post before ‘Something Borrowed’ airs...

Title: In the End
Author: yanjara
Character/Pairing: Jack/Ianto, hints at Jack/Gwen
Rating: G
Words: 115
Spoliers: allusions to 2x09
Summary: (Prompt: Countdown, for my Torchwood 101 prompt sheet)
“In the end there’s nothing out there…”

Disclaimer: If I could, I would, but sadly I don’t

In the End

“In the end there’s nothing out there, just darkness.”

They are lying Ianto’s bed for once, comfortably drapped over each other with Ianto’s head lying over Jack’s slowly beating heart.

“I have an eternity, but with what meaning? Every human emotion is fading, every single instant of happiness passing me by.”

The sharp intake of breath echoes in the silence around them.

“Everybody’s leaving in the end, until it’s just me… It’s always just me alone in the darkness.”

Ianto doesn’t say anything just tightens his arms around him and buries his nose in the hollow of Jack’s throat.

Tomorrow is Gwen’s wedding and Ianto can’t shake the feeling that he’s the one losing something.


Maria Mena ‘Long time coming’

Your patronizing stare can watch me heal.
What I would give for you to tae the wheel
It's just been a long time coming
The strong resemblance to my mother's womb
is the reason why I will not leave this room
It's been a long time coming

The lack of self-esteem has grown on me
I'm not as strong as I appear to be
It's been a long time coming

My lullaby sounds more like distant screams
I wake up sleep deprived after every dream
It's been a long time coming

My flesh makes little sense compared to yours
I wish my restlessness would open doors
It's just been a long time coming

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