Title: Torchwood Body Language
antelope_writes Spoilers: series two
Topic: Body language in Torchwood episodes.
Why you should read it: This six part series (two sets of three) is quite easily the best, most thorough, and well-written meta I've seen in the Torchwood fandom. In the first set,
antelope_writes tackles the body language of the different members of the team, and analyzes how they interact with each other in a physical way. She suggests that their body language is often superior to the dialogue at telling us what is going on, and her meticulous analysis of three different scenes seems to enforce this point. Take some time to read these, when you can watch the clips and view all the associated images, because if you do, you'll walk away with a better understanding of the characters as portrayed in canon.
Torchwood Body Language 101: The rules of space Torchwood Body Language 102: Body Positions Torchwood Body Language 103: Points, Pairs, and Groups Torchwood Body Language 201: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang Scene Analysis Torchwood Body Language 202: Owen and Ianto, Day in the Death Torchwood Body Language 203: Tosh and Tommy in TTLM