About You
Name: Amber
Nickname/s: Greenie. (online, preferred.)
Age: 20.
Gender: Femme.
Same gender stamp: Don't much care.
Five words that describe you: Eloquent, vivacious, kooky, kinky, and I asked a friend for the last one and she told me to put "a paragon of sunshine and happiness." I think she was being sarcastic, that's not one word. She has amended to: "passionate."
Positive personality traits: I taste good in sandwiches; I'm never oily and easily spreadable. Oh, apparently I'm a good talker, I think I'm a lot like that guy from Thankyou for Smoking. I like to entertain people and am good at connecting with them and understanding their point of view (I can argue every side of an argument.) I try to be honest, at least where I think I can get away with it. Also, I have excellent taste and anyone who says differently will be shot on sight.
Negative personality traits: I'm a terrible egotist, can you tell? Also I tend to think I'm funny when I'm not. I can be a critical bitch - I always used the c-word there, not sure that's acceptable but I swear like a sailor. I have a hard time accepting I'm wrong, which means debates can go for hours. Also, outside of creative mania I tend to be lazy, messy, and tend to procrastinate. I'm often a fencesitter.
Talents: Writing, singing, directing, debate, design (especially form and color), writing music, blowjobs, kickboxing, sharpshooting, sociology and psychology, and being a terrifying storehouse of geek trivia, insane anecdotes and movie knowledge.
Weaknesses: Terrible weakness for sensory pleasures. I can't draw for shit and mathematical thinking escapes me. I'm absent-minded and often downright lazy. I have an inability to budget. I'm anal-retentive about incredibly stupid things. I cannot resist a fight. Ohhhh my god and I write epic paragraphs about myself for LJ character match surveys!
Likes: Torchwood, obviously. Harry Potter, Buffy, Heroes, anime. Bare feet and sunshine and mangoes. Tentacle hentai! Green tea icecream. Poetry. Really black humour, social satire and British comedy. Marathon sex and the fact that everything is someone, somewhere's kink. Violence. Indie flicks especially if they have Johnny Depp, Uma Thurman or Christian Bale. Moral ambiguity and enigmatic people. Escaping from the world! Clubbing, dancing, downing vodka like it's water. Music, music, music, music, MUSIC. MUSIC. It's my aeroplane~
Dislikes: Humans, really. "We learn only from history that we learn nothing from history." People who whine about their boring little lives. BOREDOM. Netspeak. Dolce et decorum est pro patria mori. Anti-smoking pamphlets and other moralizers. Organized religion. Bad movies made from good fantasy books! SEXISM. Half the fucking internet. Probably you.
Favourite books: American Psycho. Fight Club. Nineteen Eighty-Four. Good Omens.
Favourite movies: Trainspotting. Dogma. Pan's Labyrinth. The Producers. V for Vendetta. 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Favourite musical artists: Radiohead. Bjork. PJ Harvey. Tori Amos. The Dresden Dolls. Snow Patrol. The Red Paintings. Love Outside Andromeda. The Tea Party. The Smiths. EVERYTHING INTERESTING EVER. (Even Queen.)
Favourite memory: Closing night on my first lead role in a musical.
Biggest fear: Losing everyone.
Biggest goal/dream: To use the skills I have to make some kind of lasting impact in the world.
Pessimist or optimist: Bubbly pessimist.
Shy or outgoing: LET'S BE FRIENDS.
Leader or one of the gang: Power behind the throne~
Immature or mature: Mature.
Cruel or kind: Sadistic.
Impulsive or cautious: Impulsive.
Emotionally open or guarded: Seemingly open, mostly guarded.
Would you keep a secret from your best friend: Yes.
Are you more likely to choose self-gain over something that helps others: Depends on the scale. I'd pick me over your average Joe any day of the week, but I'd die to save the world.
You’ve developed feelings for a close friend. How do you deal with the feelings? Wear my cutest outfit, do something with just the two of us, and ask if they'd be comfortable with a sexual friendship. ...Then jump them.
Torchwood Related
Character you relate the most to: I don't know, you tell me!
Character you relate the least to: Ianto, he's too withdrawn and organized.
Character you could fall in love with: Ianto, because I like them withdrawn and organized. Or Jack, everyone falls in love with Jack.
Character you’d be best friends with: Tosh.
Character you’d be enemies with: Owen, he's a pig.
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