Last night I did not go immediately to bed as planned, but stayed up wasting time on the computer.
Sometimes I like to look at pictures of people who take off their clothes and do silly things, and sometimes there are so many pictures to look at that I lose track of time, and forget to remind myself to take account of what the consequences of staying up really late might be. Anyway, the consequences are that I've been kind of tired today.
I spent a chunk of the day helping my friend Ken move stuff from a storage locker in Oakland. This was the first time I got a
City Carshare car, and the experience was great.
I'd made a reservation a week ago; I briskly walked eight blocks or so, unlocked the car with a pocket fob, and drove to Oakland and back and had enough time left on the reservation to buy some crunchy hippy food at
Rainbow Grocery, including a 25 pound bag of brown rice. I'm that crunchy.
It turned out that the guy who owns Ken's old storage space had thrown out a bunch of stuff, so that made the job easier. Ken didn't seem too upset -- we'd already moved two truckloads of stuff from there a couple months ago. I did the loading, and we drove to his new storage space in San Francisco and managed to get it wedged into the third of three lockers Ken rents. This is an experience that is trying to teach me that I have too much stuff myself and will end up in a situation like this if I don't address it now -- we'll see if I learn from what it's trying to teach me.
There were some issues because one of the comedians for tonight's show dropped out, and I tried to see if someone else would like to join the bill, but it didn't happen.
I decided to lie down for a nap and slept a little longer than I'd planned. I think the phone ringing woke me up. I took a shower, designed and printed a flyer for next month's shows, and took off a little bit after 7 pm -- the show's scheduled to start at 8 pm. Fortunately, my three helpers were there and we got things set up with the light, sound, food, and I ran the box office. Unfortunately the turnout was kind of low. I'm going to have to see about some new methods of publicity.
Afterward my friend Jack and I ate across the street at the diner place and did newspaper crossword puzzles together and talked. I walked him as far as his place, then I continued home. I was a little nervous having close to $200 in cash in my bag, but made it home fine. Just saw a few dog-walkers and so on. I was whistling as I walked --- sometimes it would be nice to have a sound recorder for when I think of melodic ideas, though eventually I was whistling something I think is by Chopin.