Challenge 23

Apr 05, 2008 04:45

Challenge 23:1000 Words

After some thought I have decided to pull out a challenge concept from back when we just started back up as a community. Past participating members remember the challenge we did working around the concept of “Polaroid shots / or Polariod-esque” looking graphics.

The history::

Scarlet’s Walk was the first time we officially saw different images shown threw “Polaroid shots”. They show cased Scarlet’s journey threw America. Before The Posse came along, Haullie from had created numerous Polaroid shots that were show cased at along the top and/or side of the website with different Tori images. Now they have been replaced by different photos of the Posse members.

[=] Now, I want you to take the same graphic concept and take a walk through time with Tori.

You can do your challenge graphics one of two ways:

1. Choose your favorite album as your theme

2. Choose your favorite song as your theme

Each member may submit 1 set of three graphics

=^^= YOUR DEADLINE IS APRIL 19th @ 11p  May4th=^^=
**Deadline Changed --- AGAIN!**

General Rules:
[x] Dimensions: 265x265 pixels each
[x] Images: your choice
[x] Text:

a) Required = on “Polaroid line” = defines the individual graphics with text -- from a song you have chosen through “lyrical content from the album” - “a particular song title” - “quote about the song” etc.

b) Within/on the graphic image itself = optional and not mandatory
[x] Auxiliary images are permitted however, no other fandom is allowed
[x] No previously made graphics can be submitted for voting!

[=] To see examples of previous submissions from our last challenge click here.

Other Information :
[*] You can show your three graphic connection threw [for example]:
- If you choose An Album = Songs from that album [i.e. Titles or Lyrics]
- If you choose A Song = Lyrical content
- Quotes about that album / or its songs

[~] If you choose to use a particular Album, the IMAGES HAVE TO BE from that album era!

[*] “Traditional” Scarlet Polaroid text is on the Left - however - You may “rotate” the Polaroid image to any style.

[*] Incase anyone is curious, the inside dimensions of the Polaroid are “traditionally” 194x237 pixels.

… *!* … IF ANYONE has questions please please please ask before you start making your graphics. I know this challenge is a little more detailed than a lot of the other ones that we have done. Both mods are available to answer any/all questions. AND you should only consider responses by your mods as valid answers to your questions at all times. We never have other members answer questions for us!

...all comments will be screened...

^*^ ^*^ Changes / Ammendments ^*^ ^*^

After some suggestions by a few members, I have decided to allow 2 submissions PER member instead of just 1. That is why I have extended the due date!

*** Change to the Rules ***
Deadline Extension

challenge 23

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