
Aug 21, 2003 16:31

I changed my journal's layout, isn't it pretty? It's all blue and starry and stuff! And I got new icons, they're from Tuesday's show. Well, two of them are, I don't remember what the other one is.

I think Taylor's mad at me...she never updates any more, even though I begged her earlier. So Tay, come backkkkk! And AJ, you too!

No sorry! I'm 9, thank ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

bonnie_w August 22 2003, 10:34:59 UTC
You're layout is working for me...its lovely by the way. lol


tori_thompson August 22 2003, 14:52:32 UTC
Thank you!! The background picture isn't showing up for me though, and I don't know why. :P


bonnie_w August 22 2003, 18:46:44 UTC


taylor_t August 22 2003, 14:16:44 UTC
I'm not mad, I'm right here! Sorry I have been slacking, I'm online right now though


tori_thompson August 22 2003, 14:53:12 UTC
Yay, you're finally back! But I can't stay on now, me and Chauncey are going to the pool! You want to come with us?


taylor_t August 22 2003, 15:14:57 UTC
Ok sure!!


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