dallion wrote in
Sep 07, 2008 01:48
I cannot believe that Crucify isn't taken, so I call dibs on that one. And I guess banner number one. Pardon my ignorance, but what do I do with it?
claim: crucify
aetenae wrote in
Feb 11, 2008 19:20
I want to claim "Girl", but "To Venus and Back" version. Because it's my favorite Tori song of all and it was the first I heard on the radio.
Oh, and a banner would be lovely.
claim: girl
sparkling_gurl wrote in
Feb 06, 2008 21:59
I was wondering if I could claim "Taxi Ride." It's definitly one of my most favorite personally heartfelt songs.
Could I also have a banner, specifically Banner #2.?
Thank you!
claim: taxi ride