so I guess today really started last night around 10:30 when I started watching my JCS DVD (yay!)
for the most part, this DVD is really is........and we are so professional...I love watching us...and the love them......the only thing that I don't like very much is there are some camera angles that don't a few I'm really disappointed about are during "What's the Buzz?".....the whole second verse where we begin dancing again, you don't actually see us dance....cause the camera is focusing on Jesus....if I had done it differently, I would have gone to the camera they had in the back to get the whole we missed that part, and so also didn't see our sliding thing and if our lines were straight or, well...I'll survive.......and the little sway thing transitioning into "Strange Thing" only get to see like...two people do it............also, there are a couple spots where the music and the actions are not in-sync with each other, but they get back on right away........and please....even with these little things, the good FAR outweighs the bad!
so I watched it, right? yeah, already said that....anyway.....there were a few spots where I got teary, but didn't really cry....until the, not the crucifixion.......not "John 19:41".......not even the curtain call.............I lost it...completely bawled, weeped...whatever you want to call it as soon as the credits started rolling, because as soon as the credits began, so did "Could We Start Again Please?" hear us singing thoes words, listening to the meaning, and watch all the names of my family scroll up the screen, and knowing that the next day, alot of them will be celebrating their last day at school, and being reminded of the fact that we're done with the was all just too much.......
I watched all the extras too (didn't get to bed till 2 am....LOL)......I love the interviews....LOL!!! (Jesus, what is your favorite sound? "Get out!".....Judas, what is your least favorite sound? "Get out!".......hahahahahahaha!!).......I dont' like watching myself though cause I'm awkward and SOO head head is always sticking out well......working on that......
interview with Ms. B.....really interesting! I actually learned alot....and her ending note to her 'bébés' was really sweet and had me crying again....((((mama))))
oooh! and the backstage stuff!!! I LOVE it!....I really liked being able to see what everyone else is doing backstage while I'm during "Everything's Alright" and the end of "Buzz" was really cool.....and when they were taping Michelle backstage during "Leper's", she's right by the door I'm next to, so you can hear my solo again....actually, alot better than on the actual show....hehe
Then the warmups/circle........I was fine...till we got to the last circle......
then it was that night all over again......I was weepy.....but didn't "lose it" till I saw Kyle crying during Kevin's speech....and Kevin trying hard not to cry........and then I REALLY got going during Alexis's (who I am standing right next too.....).....("Serve her") *cries*
I liked watching it though...reliving was so sad though....and in someways, sadder when I watched it last night (early this morning?) because in the back of my mind, as I watched them give their last thoughts and advice to the cast, and their last goodbyes to all of us, I kept thinking "Tomorrow is the seniors' last day at school........ever......they're going to gone....graduating....some of them going off to college kind of far away....or moving completely.......this is it........"..............*cries*
so I went to bed.....had difficult waking up in time, so I got to school at 9 and had an obscenely terrible parking spot....oh well
Mads: no one cried....though I almost did during "Come my friends"...and I'm pretty sure if we had sung "Everytime We Say Goodbye", everyone would have........passed around yearbooks (though Wahlquist was being stupid about them)......I didn't get everyone though :-( (maybe at their graduation parties....) was really...I dunno....bittersweet to hear all of them as they walked out of the room at the end of class.......saying it was their last time walking out of there at the they had gone in there for 3 years or whatever.....*sniff*
Drama: spent a good portion of the hour talking about the times....then we tried to get to work......some of us wanted to completely get rid of our first idea cause we weren't getting anywhere and try something new.......the rest of us wanted to keep going and make it work.......well, we finally (sort of) decided on starting over......did this "audition" thing...guess it could work............(Lisa: [pointing to Kevin] "You! On the floor!" LOL)
note: need to remember to talk to Ms. B about voice lessons
English: last time walking with Tessa upstairs to class :-( ......we had a sub *does happy "stolen-from-simon"*.......'watched' a movie
Lunch:......went around getting signatures.........Kate has really pretty handwriting!
Geometry: I'm exempting the final!!! just barely need an A (90% or higher) for the quarter to exempt......I got a 90.1% .....YAY!! now I have NO MORE HOMEWORK in this class!! *more happy dance*
Spanish: was scolded/teased about forgetting my bookcard was pretty funny......watched movies.......after class, Menchaca went on about how much she liked Pie in the Sky and said she liked my outfit (which everyone had the same of) and my hair *yay!* lol
passed Kevin in the hall and asked him to sign my yearbook.....he walked with me part of the way to my next class as we both signed (haha...stopped halfway because aparently he can't write and walk at the same gave me a hug, said our goodbyes, and besides graduation, that's prolly the last time I'll see him *tears*
and it's not even just's just the thought of anyone leaving.....why do all these seniors have to leave? why can't I come too? .....Macai expressed my feelings exactly....I feel like I should be going with, but I'm not.......but then again, I'm torn.....because I know that as soon as I'm a senior, I'm not going to want to leave at all
ChemCom: more signing.....more not paying attention....more amusement at watching Kyle and Karen dancing around and being hyper because they're both barely graduating (but all none the less) *grin*
After: some more signing......stepping over lots and lots of stray papers thrown by excited seniors.......then home, supper, and being late to Rachel's.....I didn't miss much though.....there was a dead bunny in her yard that she was poking, and they hadn't even started improving yet, so I didn't feel bad for being
decided on going back to our original idea, and after much 'discussion', friendly arguing, and ALOT of Conklin-channeling, we figured out how to make the story understandable and 10 minutes long....still have alot to work on, but we did get a lot wrong (*sings* Kevin's a cop, Kevin's a cop* "look! a Jellyfish"........and so much more....goodness....I'm surprised we got as much done as we did)....hehe.............we're meeting at Conklin's tomorrow to work more on it........
WoO rehearsal.....trying to figure out parts......very tired
came home....had good long(-ish?) convo with Tarynpaper.....LOST!! when are we going to watch it? we'll figure something out later......which reminds me! I haven't seen LOST don't say ANYTHING without putting it under a cut!! thanks ;-)...hehe
well......tomorrow's going to be......weird.......all those seniors gone? especially Mads..........I might cry.....I hope not though.......I'd rather save that for watching the dvd late at night by myself, where no one can watch is all really bittersweet......I'll get over it.........