Amanda calmly walked over to Toriyama, stopping directly in his way. "Is it true? That you have information on everyone in this school? More than what they already put out I mean." She asked it softly, but her eyes watched him carefully.
Amanda looked at him thoughtfully before a slow smile came to her lips. "Do you really think I'm eerie?" She cocked her head to the side, staring at him carefully, as though to see if she could catch him if he should lie and deny it.
"Quite frankly I did think you were eerie when we first meet. It isn't that way anymore though, you see that notebook is mainly first impressions at most. They didn't show the pages with the more detailed descriptions that I add to constantly." Ichiro said reassuringly.
Rika knew about the notebook Ichiro always carried and had suspicions of what was written inside. So when Kazuya published his paper it wasn't a big surprise to her at all.
Ax stared at the paper in homeroom waiting for it to start. Tears of happiness glinted in the corner of his eyes. With a sniffle he decided then and there that no matter what he had heard before about Toriyama and no matter how evil the twins said he was, in Ax's eye's Ichiro was a true honorable man. "He kept my name private. I now have a hundred and fifty percent of respect for this man." Jumping up and saluting the air Ax yelled out. "LONG LIVE STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT TORIYAMA ICHIRO. THE BEST MAN I KNOW."
"'Rambunctious and annoying'? What does he mean by that?" Jiro said aloud in his homeroom class before the bell had rung. "He makes me sound like Ax. I'm calm and level-headed," he said while nodding, agreeing with himself even if it wasn't true.
Comments 15
'Tomorrow after school and before activities on the roof.'
Smiling he put in Toriyama's cubby hole.
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