I've got a quandary. ( ._.) About what to use for icons for a certain character that has gone through about a million different looks as his series has gone on.
So I'm about 90% certain I'm going to pick up Calypso from
the Twisted Metal series. I've had this fascination with him since I was about, like, 13. :V Anyways.
I've run into a problem in figuring out what I should do for his icons, as I stated. In each installment of the series, he's changed looks. Either drastically, or subtly. Sometimes it's a whole new design, sometimes he just looks fucked up because the graphics are shit.
In my head, he's always looked most like how he does in
Twisted Metal 4. However, that game is 1) complete shit, 2) has no decent pictures/graphics of him sans that one I just linked, 3) isn't even canon.
We just don't plain talk about how he looked in Twisted Metal 1 & 3, for the record. Twisted Metal: Black, while one of the most brilliant installments of the series, had a VERY weird departure for him. I'm not fond of the smushy face and baldness. Nossir.
Twisted Metal 2's version is where 4's design is based on. He is
a slick motherfucker. However, the art is
questionable at the best of times, as this was the early 90s and we were all fucking stupid then. I would have to resort to a lot of choppy art and screenshots for icons. And I'm not a big fan of the facial burn scars he was sporting around this time.
Twisted Metal: Head-On has him with a design that's a fusion of his Black version, and his TM2 version. He's got the sunken, fucked-up eye, long (now-white) hair, and a bald top. This installment, being the newest,
easily has the best art. The endings for all the contestants is a veritable cornucopia of icon fodder since he pulls the most awesome/priceless expressions and poses through the whole thing.
However, if I went with this version, I would miss his suit very, very badly. :( Also, I don't like the bald top dealie.
Finally, there's the option of simply drawing all my own icons to suit yet another mash-up of everything I like about all his many variations. I just got a tablet, so really, I should take this excuse to start puttering around with it.
But then I'd feel bad that I'm not using existing, canon sources that are right there...
So it comes down to a toss-up of TM:Head-On version, TM2 version, and drawing my own. The pros and cons of such as follows:
PROS: Favourite general look for him. Suits are hot. So are claws. So are eyes with cat-slitted pupils. Has an okay amount of stuff to pull from for icons.
CONS: Occasionally wonky art. Face burns. Only an 'okay' amount of icon fodder.
PROS: Wonderful art. Lots of it. Newest version of him, so that should count most(?) as canon.
CONS: Bald. No suit. No claws. No monster eyes, just a fucked up one.
PROS: Can make any and all versions fused into one perfect Calypso. Any range of expressions and icon fodder to be made to my own specifications. Will (technically) never run out of source material. Excuse to get back into drawing a lot more.
CONS: Drawing takes longer and can be frustrating. Not adhering to canon artwork that's out there if I just look for it and/or decide on one.