if you love me or like me a little or value our friendship at all click on the link below and fill out the question and leave it as a comment on my journal. i`ll update tomorrow after school. thats going to be one long ass entry so watch out !! i love you guys !
[ clicker it ] )
Comments 5
ale is my hubby.
If I were alone in a room with ale, I would have wild monkey sex with her .. nah j/k .. umm .. ? LOL .
I think ale should go to Coral Park.
ale needs ME !!! bwuhaha .
I want to hang out with ale.
Someday ale will be FAMOUS ! .
ale reminds me of this other Ale i know.
Without ale NO ALE ? - dies -.
ale can be crazzyy.
Interesting is how I describe meeting ale.
Worst thing about ale is shes soo far away !
i am married with ale.
If I could say one thing to ale it would be where ya been buddy !
nana says ?? alot ( ... )
ale is GOD.
If I were alone in a room with ale, I would NOT WRITE ANYTHING PERVERTED HERE.
I think ale should TEACH ME HOW TO DANCE.
ale needs A BIG FAT KISS!
I want to TICKLE ale.
Someday ale will BECOME A FAMOUS LAWYER.
ale reminds me of HOW BEAUTIFUL IS LIFE.
STRANGE AND UNUSUAL is how I describe meeting ale.
Worst thing about ale is HER CLASS SCHEDULE!
Best thing about ale is HER PERSONALITY.
i am PARTNERED FOR LIFE with ale.
If I could say one thing to ale it would be I LOVE YOU.
nana says <~~~~OKAY BUDDY? alot ( ... )
ale is UGLY.
If I were alone in a room with ale, I would KiLL HER.
I think ale should DiE.
ale needs TO DiE.
I want to KiLL ale.
Someday ale will DiE.
ale reminds me of A BAD DREAM.
Without ale i WOULD BE HAPPY.
Memories of ale are DiSGUSTiNG.
ale can be UGLY, oh she is.
FUCK YOUUUU is how I describe meeting ale.
Worst thing about ale is HER LiFE.
Best thing about ale is THE DAY SHE DiES.
i am iN HATE with ale.
If I could say one thing to ale it would be DiE!!!.
nana says who the FUCK is nana alot.
1. give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.: die
2. how long have you known me? way too long
3. when and how did we first meet? when u were born
4. what was your first impression? ew ? shes ugly
5. do you still think that way about me now? yeah
6. what do you think my weakness is? dont give a damn
7. do you think i'll get married? i dont care
8. what makes me happy? dick
9. what makes me sad? dont care
10. what reminds you of me? death
11. if you could give me anything what would it be? a gun; to kill urself12. how ( ... )
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