DW fic: Series 6 drabbles, episodes 5-7

Jun 13, 2011 22:05

Here's the next three episodes of series 6 in drabbles, bringing us up to the hiatus.

Title: Series 6 drabbles
Disclaimer: I do really wish they were mine, but they're the property of the BBC and I'm just playing for free in the sandbox.
Rating: PG
Characters: Amy Pond, the Eleventh Doctor, Rory Williams, River Song
Spoilers: For the entire series.
Summary: Ready for war.

( Episodes 1-4 )

Series 6 drabbles

The Rebel Flesh

She wanders for hours until her feet ache, lost in a wild world of gorse and heather. The wind whips her hair around her face and the rain's seeping into her coat and down her red Wellington boots. She doesn't know where her family's gone or where she is; for a time she sits on a rock and cries, her tears mingling with the rain.

At length the rain stops. She wiggles her sore toes in her boots, and discovers - from somewhere - that she's not scared anymore. Jennifer Lucas stands up, and goes off to find her family.

The Almost People

Deciding to swap shoes takes seconds. They do it while sharing a conversation with Amy - with Amy's 'ganger, as the Doctor is increasingly thinking of her. He's almost sure now that the Amy who's been hunting the Silence, the Amy who donned pirate garb and fought a crew of buccaneers, the Amy who resuscitated Rory and cried over Idris, is Flesh. She's not there. The real Amy, Amelia Pond who waited, is lying unconscious somewhere in the universe, alone and pregnant.

He ties his laces, stands up, keeping the anger shut away, for now. Soon the dam will burst.

A Good Man Goes To War

Alone, Rory stands in the wardrobe, fingering the wool of the centurion's tunic. It's not the one he wore for centuries until it fell apart. But it looks the same, and it smells the same - faintly musty, with a metallic tang.

The TARDIS gives a shake, and it shakes Rory to himself. He has no time to stand here gazing. He peels off his shirt and jeans and kicks off his trainers. The tunic is scratchy against his skin, but it feels right as he buckles on the breastplate and fastens the cloak. The last centurion, ready for war.

fanfic: doctor who

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