Then she appeared, pale atlantis rising out of the west

Sep 06, 2008 14:59

Ohh baby. Look at me. With no time to even breathe, and I decide to make a picspam? I have some serious problems. But if it makes anyone feel better its pretty sucky. Because I seriously did this while I ran out of ideas on my stupid essay. But 2008 has been such a Rory/Jess year for me. So clearly they have to be my first real picspamm.

And I have ( Read more... )


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Comments 72

itscharmattack September 6 2008, 19:35:26 UTC
OMG, I LOVE THIS PICSPAM SO MUCH! I love the moments you chose, they're just so amazing. Thanks for such a fantastic picspam. :D



tornintopiecesx September 6 2008, 19:45:17 UTC
Ahhh thanks Cassie! I've seriously been soooo obsessed with them. I feel like every moment between these two is just adorable and amazing and I seriously wish I could have put more. But they totallyyyyy make me squee too! haha <333


svgurl September 6 2008, 20:21:32 UTC
Rory and Jess! Damn I loved those two so much. I'm still convinced that the show didn't put her with Logan because we can all imagine that she went off on the campaign trail for Obama, found Jess and they got back together. *shrugs* What can I say? I live in my happy world.

Love the picspam! :D


tornintopiecesx September 6 2008, 20:42:59 UTC
I KNOW! I love them so much too. And she couldn't end up with Logan. We all know who her soulmate was. hahah that sounds like Seth and Summer from the OC! But it also sounds fabulous. Let's write an RJ spinoff shall we?

And thank you! I love your icon. Thats one of the best scenes everr!


fade_out September 6 2008, 20:26:59 UTC
Oh I was thinking of doing this. Lovely picspam!! They are so great!! Thanks for sharing!!


tornintopiecesx September 6 2008, 20:43:46 UTC
Aww thank you! They are just all kinds of fabulous. I miss them SO freaking much.


(The comment has been removed)

tornintopiecesx September 6 2008, 20:45:01 UTC
THESE TWO ARE MADE OF WIN. But I tots know what you mean. Although they clearlyyyy end up together in the end. Because thats just the way it has to be.


murphyboy11 September 6 2008, 20:50:54 UTC
Your PicSpam is sooo Cute!
Awsome Job :D Rory/Jess are the best TV Couple ever!!!


tornintopiecesx September 6 2008, 21:04:47 UTC
Aww thank you so much! YAY! SO TRUE. They pwn all other tv couples. Seriously. They are so made of win.


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