Your results: You are Uhura Uhura 75% An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 70% Worf 65% Geordi LaForge 60% Chekov 55% Jean-Luc Picard 55% Deanna Troi 55% Mr. Sulu 50% Will Riker 50% Data 48% James T. Kirk (Captain) 45% Beverly Crusher 45% Leonard McCoy (Bones) 40% Mr. Scott 40% Spock 34%
You are a good communicator with a pleasant
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whoa, it's been ages since I've done a post. I have to admit it's mostly cuz of laziness. I've been so busy at work that when I do get a chance to be on LJ, I prefer to read everyone else's posts than to type out one of my own. :o
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*SIGH* when we were at Sick Kids this morning it was so early that we barely saw anyone around. but when I went back to pick up the racks later this morning there were lots of people about. and lots of kids
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