LOG: Kevin and Sanada

Sep 17, 2007 00:57


Were you there? YOU decide. This is rated NC-17, of course.

Sanada: *stands at the corner of Rikkai*

Kevin: *walks up, looking at his cell phone to check the time* *looks at Sanada* ...uh. Hi.

Sanada: *looks up* You are three minutes and twenty-six seconds late.

Kevin: *shoves his cell phone into his pocket* How the hell do you know how many seconds it's been.

Sanada: *holds his arm out and points to his watch* I checked.

Kevin: Well whatever. Sorry. *looks around* Uh. Do you want to start walking. Seeing as I have no idea where the hell we're going.

Sanada: *points down the road and starts walking, striding a MIGHTY stride* It's this way.

Kevin: *tries to catch up with much shorter but sturdy legs* *looks at Sanada* You're taller than I thought you were.

Sanada: I was just going to comment on how short you are in person.

Kevin: ...I'm still growing. *feels defensive* Besides, it's not like I need to be tall to kick people's asses at tennis.

Sanada: Height helps. *keeps walking* Keep up with me.

Kevin: Not that freaking much. *glares* I would if you weren't freaking sashaying across the pavement. Can't you walk normally. It's not like the burgers are going to up and leave before we get there.

Sanada: You don't know that. *slows his pace to keep from looking like he's sashaying* They are made from the flesh of a once living animal.

Kevin: ...it's just cow meat. *walks a little closer to Sanada, now that he can actually match his pace* Plus the cows are dead already. Unless you know something I don't.

Sanada: Of course they're dead. *rounds the corner and comes across Bob's Big Boy Burgers and Bento*

Sanada: *smiles creepily at the restaurant*

Kevin: *catches the glint of Sanada's creepy smile* *has weird taste and actually finds it crazy, and therefore attractive* *walks into the restaurants and looks at the tables* ...how come there's so much. Orange here.

Sanada: Orange is the color of uncooked burger flesh here.

Sanada: *walks up to the door and opens it, holding it open*

Kevin: ...what the hell kind of meat are we eating.

Kevin: *stares at Sanada for three seconds* *doesn't blush because he doesn't do that sort of thing but gets as close to blushing as is manly possible* ...uh. Thanks.

Kevin: *walks in the restaurant*

Sanada: *grunts in response to Kevin's thank you and walks in after him* The meat of a cow, a duck, a pig and the mighty moose ground together and fried on the Grill of Foreman.

Kevin: ...what, do you have to get them all blended together or something.

Sanada: It is the Big Boy Burger secret recipe. The Orange Meat.

Kevin: ...I. Huh. *thinks about it for a second* Is that what you usually get.

Sanada: I get it with the Mystery Sauce on an unseeded bun. *thinks for a minute* It improves tennis.

Kevin: *smirks* Well if it improves tennis then what the fuck. I'll try it. *orders one burger for himself because he'd adventurous but not enough to order more than one* *also orders a soda* *thinks about ordering for Sanada but decides against it*

Sanada: *orders three burgers and a POWERADE TO REPLENISH HIS ELECTROLYTES*

Sanada: *goes and sits down* They bring it to you when it's ready.

Kevin: *follows Sanada and sits across from him* *feels short and tries to ignore it* Are you really going to be able to eat all that food you just ordered.

Sanada: I need it all. *straightens out the silverware he doesn't need but was provided for him anyway*

Kevin: *is secretly impressed* *looks at Sanada's hands* Are you nervous or something. It's not like I'm not going to attack you or something.

Sanada: I don't get nervous. *notices his placemat has a fold and is HIDEOUSLY offended* Are you nervous?

Kevin: No. *fiddles with a fork* Maybe a little. I didn't actually expect you to say yes.

Sanada: I am open-minded. *pauses* If not slightly surprised.

Kevin: Pfft well so was I. But I mean. You don't suck at tennis and you hit people. I like that in a person. *is completely serious and thinks this is the highest form of flattery he can give someone*

Sanada: I hit people who deserve it and need it. *thinks this is also totally normal and took it as a compliment*

Kevin: Yeah I noticed. You're accurate with your aim too. Not everyone can actually make a slap sound that loud.

Sanada: You seem to know a lot about me?

Sanada: *sits back as waitress delivers their food and leaves without talking*

Kevin: Yeah well. I studied Ryoma's match against you, so I know your stats and all that. *looks at food a little warily, but it seems to be relatively normal* *picks up hamburger* And I saw you at Rikkai a few times when I went to visit Kirihara. *takes bite of burger, which is tangy but good*

Sanada: Ah yes. Akaya. *takes the top bun off of all his burgers and then, picking the ketchup up in one hand and the mustard in the other, he gives them all a condiment shower*

Kevin: *blinks at Sanada's elaborate condiment performance* *chews quietly* Yeah. Anyway I've been there a few times since for other things, like seeing that Niou guy once or something. So I watched you play a little. It looks more awesome in person than it does on tape, I'll tell you that.

Sanada: *causes a salt and pepper snowstorm on the burgers next* I see my reputation has preceded me. *smirks and plunks both shakers on the table*

Kevin: ...I don't know if I'd put it that way. *rests his elbows on the table* Do you actually plan to eat anything or are you going to keep piling stuff onto your food.

Sanada: *replaces each top bun and stacks each burger on top of each other* Eating is a careful process. Much like tennis and stabbing someone with your sword.

Kevin: *is randomly turned on at mention of tennis and stabbing* Have you ever actually stabbed someone, or just pretended to.

Sanada: I use my sword in self-defense and for battles to the death.

Sanada: Obviously I have never died.

Kevin: *eats some more of his burger* Yeah I could sort of tell that. So you never just randomly stab people with it, huh.

Kevin: That's too bad.

Sanada: If a civilian were to anger me enough to merit a stabbing, so be it. *picks up one burger and starts eating it*

Kevin: Would you kill them or just get them bleeding. *takes more bites of his awesome orange burger*

Sanada: Enough questions! *takes a massive bite of his burger*

Kevin: *eats the rest of his burger in silence because he secretly enjoys Sanada's commanding voice* *finishes his soda while watching Sanada continue to eat* *continues to be impressed...silently*

Sanada: *puts down his second, half-eaten burger* So tell me your thoughts on Yukimura. And consider this interrogation.

Kevin: My thoughts on... Uh. *wishes he had more soda to distract himself with* I don't really...think about Yukimura.

Sanada: *hand slowly twitches toward his fork* Have you ever had a bad thought about him?

Kevin: ... Not recently. *notices the hand* I mean I didn't like it when he flirted with Kirihara but that was really it, pretty much. *waits awkwardly for Sanada's reaction*

Sanada: I don't like it when he flirts with other people either. *instead reaches for his burger and bites it*

Kevin: Yeah I'll bet. *plays with his napkin* Do you ever flirt.

Sanada: No. Flirting is a waste of time. *opens a few sugar packets on his burgers* Your opinions?

Kevin: Uh. I sort of prefer swearing toflirting. *makes an o.O face* ...did you just put SUGAR on your burger.

Sanada: It adds texture. I prefer my burgers to crunch. *puts the wrappers on his burger too* Swearing?

Kevin: ...crunch. Right. *is still o.Oing slightly* Yeah swearing. You know, or talking about kicking someone's ass. That's way more interesting than all that other stuff.

Sanada: I prefer to actually kick someone's ass than to just talk about it.

Kevin: I didn't mean just talk about it. But sometimes it's fun to plan out how. I mean you don't just want to use the same asskicking techinque every time.

Kevin: *is obviously very knowledgable in asskickery*

Sanada: You discuss your ass-kicking with people before you do it?

Kevin: *shrugs* Sometimes. If I want to scare them.

Kevin: It's funnier that way.

Sanada: Fear turns into respect if you do it right. *eats his second nasty burger*

Kevin: Yeah I don't really care that much about respect so much as people not pissing me off. *leans forward because CANNOT believe he is eating sugar packets* *indicates burger *...is that actually good. Or just crunchy.

Sanada: *looks at the burger* Both. *looks away from Kevin and holds it out* Here. Try it.

Kevin: *has a huge moment of turmoil* *decides the hell with it* *puts his fingers around Sanada's wrist to bring the burger closer and takes a bite* *closes his eyes and lets go of Sanada as he chews* ...uh. That's. Different.

Sanada: I call it a Gen-Burger. *is so proud*

Kevin: ...as in Genichirou. *is still chewing a little* *thinks he swallowed a wrapper* I'm not sure I'd try to market it but it's all right.

Sanada: *nods* Yes. My first name. You will address me as Sanada.

Sanada: And I should call you...?

Kevin: Fine. Sanada. *pauses* ...Kevin. What, did you actually not know my name until right now.

Sanada: I knew your name. You could have preferred Smith.

Kevin: *gives Sanada a weird look* Do you know how many Smiths there are in America. Besides I like it better if you call me by my first name. It's less formal. Or something.

Sanada: All right. Kevin. *finishes his last burger and then downs his Powerade, feeling the electrolytes CHARGING HIS MANLY BATTERIES*

Kevin: *watches Sanada's MANLY adam's apple* *feels awkwardly happy that Sanada said his name since it's never happened before* ...you drink really fast.

Sanada: ... *looks over at Kevin* Did you time me?

Kevin: Uh, not this time no. Would you like me to.

Sanada: Next time. Yes.

Kevin: Next time like... Um. *hesitates* I mean did you want to do this again. Or something.

Sanada: ... *leans back in his chair* Come to get more burgers?

Kevin: Yeah burgers. Or we could play a game. Or go wherever. *is feeling shy* You know, like a. Date. Thing. Or. Yeah. Whatever.

Sanada: You're still thinking about the date?

Kevin: ....uh. Maybe. Why. Is that bad.

Sanada: *grabs the brim of his cap, adjusting it slightly* You get one more date, Kevin Smith.

Kevin: *stares at Sanada* *has one of those heart-beating-faster moments* ...do you have to call me by my full name.

Sanada: ... *looks perplexed for a moment* Kevin. Or Kev. Or Ke.

Kevin: *smiles and tries not to laugh* Kevin. I'll hit you if you go around calling me Ke. *looks away briefly* And um. Thanks.

Sanada: You're welcome Kevin. *stands up, leaving his plate for the waitress to pick up* Let's go quickly.

Kevin: Yeah okay. *feels a little dwarfed again but is getting used to it* *heads to the door and holds it open for Sanada, because he can be a gentleman too...and doesn't want to feel like the girl*

Sanada: *struts out the door* My time was sufficient enough for a second date.

Kevin: *walks out after Sanada* What does that mean.

Sanada: Give me your hand.

Kevin: ... *holds out his hand, wondering if Sanada is going to do something weird or if he's going to do...something else*

Sanada: *pulls a pen out of his pocket and writes his phone number on Kevin's hand* You may call me between the hours of 6-8pm on weekdays.

Sanada: On weekends, the schedule is more flexible.

Kevin: *looks down as Sanada writes* *feels fluttery...in a badass way* *doesn't mention that he could have just put the number directly into his cell phone because this is better*

Kevin: I'll remember that. *takes the pen from Sanada and doesn't look at him as he writes his own number on the back of Sanada's hand* Uh. You can call me any time pretty much. If I don't answer it means I'm probably in class or playing tennis. *gives pen back*

Sanada: *nods and pockets his pen* Until next time, Kevin.

Kevin: ...uh. Hey, Sanada. *reaches for Sanada's jacket* *pulls him down enough to reach...which is really pretty far because he's SHORT* *kisses him on the cheek* So yeah. Next time then.

Sanada: ... *barely resists punching Kevin in the face for kissing him but instead pulls his hat in front of his embarrassed face* See you.

Kevin: Right. *walks away* *is totally happy, especially since he wasn't punched in the face* *feels a stray sugar wrapper in one of his back teeth and spits it out* *is very romantic*
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