He He, nice to be back (again) lol didn't see too many of your posts "in the oother place" was it not to your liking?
Was meaning to ask you if you've built anything of interest recently? I've got a couple of ideas in the pipeline, but as per usual, a long way off till I win the lottery.
Hope to catch up a bit more regularly now, back on pc more often, no point learning to program my phone, not overly sure Symbian will be around for much longer! lol
Just puttering around. Summer was relaxing. Presently back to school, only 3 days of classes attended thus far, more physics. This is the "learn to think in the language" year, if you think about learning physics like learning a language -- as I do. Last year was "get comfortable with the sounds, learn some vocabulary" stage
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an anti-jitter comfort-enhancer for passenger aircraft.
Much as I like the idea of this, one needs to understand more about the psychology of "Travel sickness" before looking too far into that, I think it may have been those Jap Maglev trains or the pendolino's early days they found that having a totally smooth ride and banking perfectly into corners was great for the stability and ride of the vehicle, but made passengers "Give it psychodelic yoedels", I can definately see that as an idea to combat the rough ride due to turbulance though, but would be extremely concerned with regards to the structural integrety of the plane, certainly large planes as if you turn them upside down, the wings cannot support themselves, let alone any extra forces placed upon them!
Comments 5
Was meaning to ask you if you've built anything of interest recently? I've got a couple of ideas in the pipeline, but as per usual, a long way off till I win the lottery.
Hope to catch up a bit more regularly now, back on pc more often, no point learning to program my phone, not overly sure Symbian will be around for much longer! lol
Much as I like the idea of this, one needs to understand more about the psychology of "Travel sickness" before looking too far into that, I think it may have been those Jap Maglev trains or the pendolino's early days they found that having a totally smooth ride and banking perfectly into corners was great for the stability and ride of the vehicle, but made passengers "Give it psychodelic yoedels", I can definately see that as an idea to combat the rough ride due to turbulance though, but would be extremely concerned with regards to the structural integrety of the plane, certainly large planes as if you turn them upside down, the wings cannot support themselves, let alone any extra forces placed upon them!
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