The following blurbs and pieces of art introduce the protagonist of my novel, The Second Mango, due out from Prizm Books in late summer 2013.
I’m Princess Shulamit. Nice to meet you! My father, King Noach, rules over Perach. Some day I’ll be queen so it’s important that I learn about everything I might need for that. Luckily, I love to read.
This book says that banana trees aren’t really trees-that they’re really gigantic herbs, or something like that. I guess that makes sense because they’re not woody.
Please introduce yourself if you ever come to visit our palace. Hopefully I won’t feel too sick that day and I can show you around.
That’s me, Shulamit, the scrawny one on the right. I’ve always known I’m romantically drawn to other women. It feels completely normal for me, but I know most people think it’s weird and don’t want to hear about it.
The only place I ever encountered other women like me was in books. We don’t talk about this kind of thing openly in my culture so I wondered how I was ever supposed to find a girlfriend.
And then I finally met someone…
(Characters by Shira Glassman; cartoon art by Mina V. and inked by Jane Dominguez; graphite drawing by Erika Hammerschmidt.)