Thank you so much Vicki, it was fun and the song is very inspiring, and dreaming up a happy ending for Ennis and Jack,it is always in my head and heart. Have a wonderful week. Baseball season is still going strong. Our team is still in first place, but the Giants are right on our heals. Must be Ennis and his pitching you wouldn't know anything about that? Love, Torry
Wonderful, wonderful, torry!! I loved the scene at the sink with Ennis standing behind Jack, a la canon. Loved their moments with the kids and their joyful fun they had. I also loved the "static-ky sock" comparison. That was awesome.
And of course, thoroughly enjoyed the pictures.
Thank you for writing and sharing this, torry. It was warm and full of love.
That was so beautiful. You have painted such a lovely picture of their life together, and the kids complete the picture. I particularly liked "Jack and the kids wrapped round Ennis like static filled socks." I liked the song, and your drawing as always fill me with envy - Oh to be able to draw like that!
Hi Paula, thank you so much for your wonderful comment, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Happy you are back and hope you had a wonderful time with your children and friend in Cyprus and the weather was nice for you. Hugs, Torry
Hi Hon , can you believe how late I am reading this ? I'm really ashamed I hope you forgive me you know how annoying it is for me to deal to find moments when I feel good enough :))
I really think you should write more often for what I just read darling : you have a sensitivity that is a good match with what you show in your drawings , all this gives a feeling of joy and serenity , and it should always be the case reading a Jack/Ennis Story ! :) I like the song a lot , to !!! It's a discovery for me so thank you about this Honey. Think about writing and drawing always more right ? ;) Love and Hugs to you ! ♥ Mireille.
One story for the heartsiri2000July 29 2010, 07:28:40 UTC
Ich habe Deine Geschichte erst jetzt gefunden, ich bin nicht so oft im Livejournal. Das ist eine wunderbare Geschichte und Deine schönen Zeichnungen. Ich bin froh, dass Du das gemacht hast, Du solltest öfter Schreiben und Zeichnen, es ist was fürs Herz!
Comments 16
Have a wonderful week. Baseball season is still going strong. Our team is still in first place, but the Giants are right on our heals. Must be Ennis and his pitching you wouldn't know anything about that?
I also loved the "static-ky sock" comparison. That was awesome.
And of course, thoroughly enjoyed the pictures.
Thank you for writing and sharing this, torry. It was warm and full of love.
Best Wishes
I really think you should write more often for what I just read darling : you have a sensitivity that is a good match with what you show in your drawings , all this gives a feeling of joy and serenity , and it should always be the case reading a Jack/Ennis Story ! :)
I like the song a lot , to !!! It's a discovery for me so thank you about this Honey.
Think about writing and drawing always more right ? ;)
Love and Hugs to you ! ♥
Das ist eine wunderbare Geschichte und Deine schönen Zeichnungen. Ich bin froh, dass Du das gemacht hast, Du solltest öfter Schreiben und Zeichnen, es ist was fürs Herz!
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