Everything in this whole room is 'eatable'! Even I'm eatable.. but that, my children, is called cannibalism.. and that is frowned upon in most societies.
can I play AFL as well? I will have an unfair advantage because I am so manly however I am also lanky and retarted so then you have the advantage there
absolutely you can play! You couldn't play in my team because I would play in a women's team, they can't mix over 16s apparently.
maybe you do have a "manly" advantage, but i have a black belt, so i have the agression advantage! by the time the season starts next year i will hopefully have some "awesome skills" as napolean dynamite would say.
so what if I'm weird! at least I don't randomly stare at stuff ...
I can dress up in a wig and then maybe they will let me play I will just have to shave every 15 minutes
you may have a black belt but I have a brown one! It holds up my pants. I don't know if this means I can beat you up or anything but my pants will stay up at least I have numchuck skills and mad drawing skills. Well not really but that's what I've been telling girls
Comments 12
however I am also lanky and retarted so then you have the advantage there
you're weird!
maybe you do have a "manly" advantage, but i have a black belt, so i have the agression advantage! by the time the season starts next year i will hopefully have some "awesome skills" as napolean dynamite would say.
so what if I'm weird! at least I don't randomly stare at stuff ...
I will just have to shave every 15 minutes
you may have a black belt but I have a brown one! It holds up my pants. I don't know if this means I can beat you up or anything but my pants will stay up at least
I have numchuck skills and mad drawing skills. Well not really but that's what I've been telling girls
haha stare at a plate erin
You're me. Woah.
(Sorry. Random LJ find. Carry on...)
well, i love AFL and the Whitlams, they are pretty much my two favourite things in the world ... and yes my name is Erin.
Well that is strange.
Nice to meet you :)
cept chloe cos her fur got you under her skin...
See why I don't like cats?
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