John Kerry and John Edwards have just officially gotten my vote! (which unfortunately really doesn't mean too much being that i'm in a red state, but I feel good anyway. so, kiss it Dubya.)
We tried early voting in some states this year to eliminate massive lines at the polls. And probably to avoid last election's fiasco. And probably for other reasons I'm ignorant to. You can still vote on Election Day here, too. Yes, it was a tad bit weird to vote before election day, but hey, my vote is in and that is all that matters. It's American that I voted, not un-American that I did it early!
And yay for us, Branky, for being voting-day twins!
Well, that is definitely excellent. Hopefully it will encourage more folks to vote, since some may be discouraged to wait in line (and therefore need to be kicked in the pants).
Comments 6
And yay for us, Branky, for being voting-day twins!
And completely off topic, but once again your lj is looking particularly smashing!
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