
Jan 03, 2005 20:14

This new years was pretty good...I forgot my camera though...
All I have to say is "GIRL ON GIRL! GIRL ON GIRL!"

Long ass survey...
Physical Features and other stuff

What is your full name?: Christina Elizabeth Mattos
How tall are you?: 5'6
What grade are you in?: 11th
How much do you weigh?: 125
What is your pant size?: 3/5
What color is your hair?: brown
How long is it?:too long
Is it straight or curly?: straight pretty much
What color are your eyes?: hazel
Do you wear glasses?: no
What color is your skin?: white?
Do you have freckles?: some
How long are your nails?: long
Do you bite them?: nope
Do you wear makeup?: yup
Have you ever dyed your hair?: yes
What color?: darker and lighter brown

Your Home Life

What City do you live in?: Livermore
Do you live in a subdivision?: no
What color is your house?: beige?
How many people live in your house?: 4
Do you like it?: yeah
Why or why not?: cause its clean
Do you have a T.V. or computer in your room?: only a comp
What color is your floor?: off-white
Do you live with both parents?: yupp
What does your mom do?: works at a scholarship foundation part-time
What does your dad do?: works at Intel
Have any siblings?: yes
If so, how old are they and what are their names?: Adriana, 14
Do they work?: no
How many bedrooms does your house have?: 5
Bathrooms?: 3
How many T.V.s are in your house?: 3
Do you have any game consoles?: yes PS2 and N64
What color is your room?: light blue with clouds!

Do you have a big backyard? super
How old is your house?: like 8 years old
Do you like being in your house?: yeah
Do you like your family?: sometimes
Are you close to your family?: i dont know
Who do you look up to the most?: my cat.
Does anybody in your house suffer from an illness?: not anymore
Have any pets?: my cat
What are their names and what are they?: GOO GOO!
Do they crap on the rug?: actually, yes.

School life

What is your favorite class? uhh right now...geometry
Least favorite?: chem
Who is your favorite teacher?: MATTERN!
What time is your lunch?: 12:10-1:05
Where do you eat lunch?: uhh wendys, in n out..stuff like that
What kind of grades do you get?: As and Bs
Are you on the National Honors Committee?: no
What time does school start?: 8:55
How do you get to school?: myself
What time does it end?: 2:35
How do you get home?: myself
Are you in any sports or clubs?: soccer
Do you have a locker?: no
Does shit fall on you when you open your locker?: no
How many periods do you have?: 3
Do you like school?: nooo
Do you attend sporting events?: yupp
Do you have school spirit?: yeah

Random Questions

Do what is your favorite computer game?: the Sims, or Cleopatra
Console game?: uhh..1080!
Do you drink pop?: yes
Do you have white teeth?: yes
Do you shave?: yeah?
What shampoo do you use? whatevers in the shower
Do you eat alot of food?: most definitely.
What was the longest you went without food?: two hours.
Do you play sports?: yep
If so, what are they?: soccer
Any other activities?: eh my play is over
Do you like anybody at the moment?: yes i do
Does anybody like you?: yes he does
Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?: YES
Would you go out with an unattractive person?: yeah


band: brooks & dunn, rascal flatts
singer: uhh a lot of country singers
actor: dont have one
store: hollister or sanrio! or abercrombie...
car: mmm 2002 chevy silverado
state: California
country: USA!
website: who cares
disney movie: LION KING! or beauty and the beast
movie: umm..sister act or twister
sports team: OAKLAND A'S
animal: my cat
clothing brand: doesnt matter
drink: strawberry soda
pop: Dr Pepper
soap: doesnt matter
color: purple, blue, turquoise
number: 11
song: The Way You Look Tonight - Tony Bennett

Have you ever...:

Climbed a mountain:yah
Sang on stage?: yes
Been on stage?: yes
Been in a play?: yeah like a month ago
If so, who were you?: a bunch of stuff
Been to New York?: yes it smells.
Been to Hawaii?: yeeaaahh
Been to Washington D.C.: yes
Been to Kentucky?: nope
Killed someone?: no
Been in love?: yes
Been heartbroken?: no
broken a promise?: yes
Told a secret?: yes
Spread gossip?: yeah
Dressed in front of the opposite sex?: yes?
Gone scuba diving?: no
Got really drunk?: nope.
Done drugs?: nope.
Hitchhiked?: no
Stole something?: no
Skinny dipped?: yeah
Done a polar bear swim?: no?
Broken somebodies heart?:i guess
Broken a bone?: no
Called 911?: no
Saved a life?: umm i dont think so
Almost died?: no
Been in the hospital?: no not for me
Lost someone?: my other cat
been really scared?: yes
Pepsi or coke: pepsi
Water or sports drink: agua
Orange or black: orange
PC or mac: PC
Kerry or Bush: BUSH!!!!!!!! 2004!!!! YOU GO BOYY!!!!
Meat or veggies: veggies
dog or cat: both!
run or walk: run
Football or basketball: football i hate basketball
bystander or athlete: athlete
summer or winter: summer
ski or snow board: board
Night or day: day
life or death: life
Ashton or Orlando: AShton
white or black: white
Policeman or firefighter: firefighters
nintendo or play station: nintendo

Your Opinion on

Bush: love im
Kerry: GAY
sex: only with someone who cares about you, a bf or husband
Gay marriages: ehh
racism: um do you know me?
porn: WOO HOO!
religion: christian
religion in schools: yes i liked chapel on wednsdays
Pollution: concerned.
Hilary Duff: cant sing at all, or act.
Micheal Jackson: fascinating as a kid
Martha Stewart: like my mom.

Your Childhood

Favorite childhood tv show?: sesame street
did you sleep with stuffed animals?: yup still do
Were you a fat kid? nope
How much did you weigh at birth?: 7 pounds
Were you a brat?: no
Did you experiance second hand smoke?: no
Your friends were: didnt really have any
pets you had: two cats
ever set anything on fire when you were little?: no
Did you ever stick a knife in the electrical outlet?: nope
What did you want to be when you grew up?: a tornado chaser
Your favorite color was: purple

The future

Do you want kids?: 2 or 3
Do you want to get married?: yes!
Do you want to go to college?: i guess
What do you want to be?: not telling.
Where you ou like to live? california
What do you plan to do in the next ten years?: go to college, get married.. have kids
Own a house or an apartment?: big house
when will you move out of the parental unit's house?: when i go away down south
Will you/ do you already vote: yes
go in the military?: maybe

Right now

How do you feel?: tired...procrastinating
what are you wearing?: pj pants, mendenhall shirt
Are you on a messenger?: yes
Eating/drinking anything?: no
What underwear are you wearing?: none yo biznass
What time is it?: 8:01
What room are you in?: mine
who is home?: mom and dad sister
what do you hear?: the radio
are you iming anyone?: yes
Talking to anyone on the phone?: no
where will you be in 2 hours?: doing homework

The last

thing you drank: orange juice
thing you ate: a fat burrito
shower: like an hour ago
bath: i dunno

book you read: citizen hearst
magazibe you read: glamour
person you talked to: my boyfriend
person you IMed: my boyfriend
person you made out with: boyfriend
thing you bought: gas
place you were other then here: school
Person you saw: family
word you wrote: dont remember
name you called: uhh..laura?
went to the bathroom: a while ago

Final thoughts

Did this survey kick ass or what?: gay
Did you like this survey? gay
How long did it take you to fill out?: 2 years
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