Alright guys, Retrace LVIII has just been released, which means it's time for the discussion! 8D
EDIT: Please excuse my incompetence! I couldn't get the discussion up fast enough! I'm sorry! *cries*
- I'll begin by saying that I knew it! Didn't I say this last discussion? Elliot's entire motivation for killing his family was protecting Leo.
- And kudos to everyone who predicted that Leo was the new Glen. ^^
- I have a feeling that this will spell out some kind of confrontation between Oz and Leo somewhere along the line (you know, because of the Glen&Jack-ness)...
- The children in the chasm at Sabrie had been impaled by something. I wonder why they were run through rather than slashed, beheaded, or anything else. And Elliot said that they were lying in a "puddle of blood"... Hold on now, isn't "Puddle of Blood" the title of this chapter? That has got to mean something.
- Now, when Humpty Dumpty was approaching Leo on page 9, there was a little girl sitting above them on the ledge/whatever right by its mouth. That wasn't Helen though. Leo was still holding her. But some other random -- and very much alive -- little girl was just sitting there right next to it. Who was she? What is her purpose in being there? She obviously isn't the original contractor, that is soon to be Elliot, and you can't just trade chains. What's she doing up there?
- It looks as if Humpty only impaled Elliot with his tongue, rather than cut off his head. Oh wait... *looks up* Perhaps that was what happened to the children as well? But I still have to wonder why he didn't use his signature move...
- Who's hand grabbed Leo's shoulder on page 14? You could assume it to be Glen's, but that wrist looks decidedly feminine. Celia maybe? She was the previous Glen!Contractor...
- Ah, and Leo didn't want to see because he didn't want to see Glen. MochiJun-sensei, I applaud you again. ^^ I'm suddenly noticing that Leo looks decidedly similar to Glen (note that all the other Glens had the same shaped silhouettes). So Leo grew out his hair so that he could avoid seeing who he was...
- And if Leo is Glen, then that explains why his mind was unaffected by Doldum's strings the second time they went down there (chapter 38/39?)
- Leo repeatedly told Glen to shut up. In Sabrie. Gilbert did the same when he was tormented by the voice/voices in his head as well, did he not? And this was In Sabrie... I'm not sure if it has any significance, I'm just making connections.
- Something I especially love about this chapter were the images that were slowly revealed to us. We hand no idea what they meant at the time, but now we realize that they were bits and pieces of a flashback that Elliot was trying to bring to the surface. Oh MochiJun-sensei, I didn't think I could love you more, but I was wrong... <333
- Wow, I wasn't expecting Elly's beloved Ernest to be so vicious. Gonna kill murder Gil and Vincent and blame it on the Head Hunter. But I have to wonder what in the world happened to Fred? He was the first to go. It seems like Elliot took no part in Fred's death like everyone else. So how did he die? That was blamed on the Head Hunter as well. I would hate to find that his death was Ernest and Claude's doings as well, but...
- Time to draw a parallel! In the last chapter it was hinted to us that Glen had little social interaction outside of the Baskervilles and Jack. No one else really approved of him. Jack felt the need to show others Glen's more positive side, to show them that he is just like everyone else. And Leo has been more than shunned by the Nightrays. He has the other contractors (orphans and Elliot) and then he has Oz. Okay! Random tidbit! You guys can think about that one if you want.
- For whatever reason, Ernest's facial expression on page 27 and 28 looks very similar to Vincent... I don't think that means anything. Just saying... Or is that just the standard evil face?
- I am more than shocked at Vanessa's violence towards Leo. I can't imagine why it so surprised me, but it doesn't diminish my opinion of her in the slightest.
- That panel in the top 1/2 of page 37 (Vanessa with Elliot standing behind / above her) is the most epically and beautifully horrible image ever.
- Please tell me he isn't dying from the wounds he received in Sabrie. Glen said Humpty Dumpty would seal them, but he didn't say for how long. This is bad. I don't want Elly to die *sniff* D8
Poetic quote of the month: "How could I fail to see \ that it was me?"
Okay! Now that I've talked my mouth off, let's discuss.