this friday marks the last day of camp, and i'm both happy and sad. working this summer was a lot of fun, and i actually made new friends, which made working a lot more enjoyable. eleven weeks is a long time to deal with fourth graders, but it's definitely worth it when you can actually hold normal conversations and tell jokes and not have to tie shoes or clean up messes every five seconds. yesterday i was paid to whoop my kids at bowling, and tomorrow i get paid to see princess diaries 2. i ♥ phoenix ranch.
although, i cannot wait to go back to school. i leave in three weeks, but school doesn't start for another five. our apartment is going to be so bomb. i went to ikea and purchased some lovely swedish furniture. nothing beats the swedish. i'm looking forward to a new year, and perhaps being more social. that's!? eh, i guess we'll just have to give it a shot.