The following list is a listing of all of the sites I've ever used for screencaps--including a couple LJ comms. Some sites will have notations if they're no longer working or have been deleted.
This is for my benifit, but by all means check them out if you're in the icon making fun market. :)
Web Sites:
Leave Me in the White - Movies and TV
UNAMED CAPSITE - Movies and TV shows
Screencap Paradise - TV and Movies
Sweet and Talented - TV, Movies, Actors/Actresses
Stripped Wall - TV, Movies, Movie Trailers
Doctor Who Gallery - This has both the Ninth and Tenth Doctor pics on here, mostly in wallpaper form, but size them down and they make great icons, banners and whatever else.
24 Online - 24 related.
24 Photo Galery - 24 related. Its in German, but still fairly understandable and pretty cool resource.
Heroes Media - Heroes
Heroes Pictures - Another Heroes site.
~ BSG Media - Battlestar Galactica
Still Flying - Firefly screencaps
~ - Queer as Folk (Brian/Michael related)
Showtime's Queer as Folk Page - Queer as Folk
Liberty Avenue - Queer as Folk
KWAF - Queer as Folk Caps
VM-Caps - Veronica Mars
Friends Cafe - Friends
Daydreaming - Movies, TV, Actors and Music
Screencap Heaven - Movies (A lot of the caps in the albums are out of order)
Fever of Fate - Not exactly the same website I used to go
Screen Musings - Movies, TV Shows
Eclectic Dragonfly - Movies
Eternal Fantasy - The Neverending Story
Digitalius - Movies
Magical Screencaps - Animated Disney Films
Spy Caps - Alias
Daydreaming - Movies & TV, etc.
~ Kill Bill Caps by
Vol. 1 -
Vol. 2 ~
Adventures in Babysitting Caps ~
Drake Bell Media ~
Winter Vixen (Movies/TV Shows)
Worth the Wait (Luke and Noah Fansite)
LJ Communites/Journals:
cap_it **
* = Caps aren't loading up at the moment.
** = Most if not all caps are only downloadable in zip files.
! - Need to be a member to see caps.
>> Journal Layout from
fruitstyle>> Animated NUKE mood theme by
frances_veritas>> Nuke Gifs by
oktoberskies>> Psych header by