the 2 things I requested of my folks when they offered to buy me a new laptop was 1) don't get me a mac and 2) don't put Window's Vista on the thing. Well it turns out that ALL the new fancy PCs being sold these days come with Vista so I'm stuck with it! If it doesn't stop sucking in 1 week I'm going to have C. install XP or something that doesn't make me want to rip all my hair out and run around screaming!
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the 2 things I requested of my folks when they offered to buy me a new laptop was 1) don't get me a mac and 2) don't put Window's Vista on the thing. Well it turns out that ALL the new fancy PCs being sold these days come with Vista so I'm stuck with it! If it doesn't stop sucking in 1 week I'm going to have C. install XP or something that doesn't make me want to rip all my hair out and run around screaming!
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