Title: As the Petals Fall
Main Pairing: Kyumin
Title: As the Petals Fall
Main Pairing: Kyumin
Side Pairings: Will be determined as story progresses
Genre: Suspense, Romance
Type: Chaptered
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Description: Sungmin is no ordinary human; he is something called an enchanter, or manipulator. From a young age, he has had the ability to
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Comments 6
Poor Minnie, working so hard to save Donghae...he better not get sick aswell. I just wanted to give him a big hug!
Donghae seemed so cute. He was just adorable...I hope they find enough money to help him make a full recovery.
Wookie as a medic was a nice touch while using Heechul as Min's show assistant was perfect, he would love to be part of any show hehehe
I really want to know how Min's and Kyu first meeting will be like.
The entire story seems different from other fics and interesting...I'm already hooked ^_~
Looking forward to the next chapter :)
Yep its a good thing that Min is so healthy :3 And huggable.
Yes I adore Donghae... and I can't say anything else on this subject without revealing too much :P
Thank you and I agree!
Thank you for the comment! I really enjoy reading what you think^^ I'll update soon! (I'm hoping by Wednesday)
Can't wait !!!
*jumping around excitedly*
p/s: what's songpyeon btw?
Songpyeon are Korean rice cakes! Soo good...
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