Title: Bonekill
the-lady-lamb (with a lot of input and help from
judo_creature and
Genre: Naruto
Sub-genre: Porn/Fanservice/Jrock/AU/Amazing
Summary: Sakura's just as into fanservice as the next girl, but when that fanservice involves your boyfriend in front of a crowd of just under six-thousand screaming fans and goes on for two hours, it starts to weigh on you
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Comments 7
"Sakura doesn't kill boners," Naruto says dejectedly, "she smashes them in her womanly fury."
"Like Wonderwoman," Gaara says offhandedly."
I laughed so hard I woke up the house, oops. I saw some similar antics in a cideo of a Malice Mizer concert once. oh how I love J-Rock!
I like how it's very detailed without getting wordy or bogged down. The only complaint I have personaly is the font size which is a bit small for me, but then I'm blind sooo. "like Wonderwoman" Thats so great. ::goes to mem::
Not only you've mixed up my fandoms in an awesome way but this was some good written crack! :D
I like how you told this from Sakura's pov.
This was amazing...
"Like underwear"
And I was so confused.
And amused.
But mostly confused.
how do you say "Happy New Years" in that one language we're studying... you know, that one? With the name...?
about.com is giving me very random translations, so I am wary.
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