In a
previous post,
pozorvlak and I wondered about the differences between the thought processes that goes into writing good static code, and those that go into good dynamic code. We figured that there wasn't a lot out there to help dynamic programmers get the hang of static style thinking, so what follows is a simple little toy example, solved in what I
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Anonymous parent poster: Your solution is pretty similar to my hacked-up-in-ghci one, except yours uses unfoldr while mine recurses explicitly (I have not yet attained the level of enlightenment where the former feels more natural than the latter):
split _ [] = [[]];
split at xs = let (this, rest) = break (==at) xs in this : if (null rest) then [] else split at (tail rest)
My process to arrive at this went something like...
let split _ [] = [[]]; split at (x:xs) = if (x == at) then
... wait, what do I put in here? I can't think of a way to say "start a list at this element and then when you get to some certain element end the list" that does not involve a call to a different function that I'd have to... no, actually, I wouldn't need to write it after all, I think it's in the Prelude... span? *checks type* ah, yes, that's the right type, except that what I want actually ( ... )
That interests me ( ... )
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