Apr 25, 2008 17:28

Blitzball is the traditional sporting event in Spira. Living in the shadow of Sin, residents need something to take their mind off their problems. The sport is just as popular today as it was a thousand years ago in Zanarkand. Blitzball is a game like football, but you play it underwater.

Super informative wikipedia entry~

There are no rules against offensive fouls. In fact, it isn't uncommon to see someone get injured or knocked out of the sphere pool and have to sit the rest of the game out. If this happens, they will need to be substituted. If this happens during a game and your team doesn't have an uninjured substitute, they have to forfeit. See Rikku if you would like to start your own team, and you'll be added to the roster. Once you're a team captain, press the square button in front of someone to scout them.

Each round lasts five (5) minutes.
Under certain conditions, a called game is declared. A team scoring 7 points automatically wins. If 7 team members, excluding the goal keeper, are injured, the team loses.
Tournament matches go into overtime if the score is tied.
There are three types of matches that teams can compete in. Select Practice to begin training your skills.
Press ▲ during a match to take a timeout. During timeouts you can substitute players and change formation and strategy. The menu will not open until play stops following the next goal.

A match can be extended by up to 30 minutes.
The first team to score in overtime wins instantly.
If there is still no winner in 30 minutes, the match must be replayed. In the event of a replay, goal records from the previous match are discarded.

Teams cannot scout players if doing so would push them over the twelve (12) player limit.
Teams that fall to seven players or fewer can no longer participate in matches. Use scouting to maintain a maximum roster of eight (8) players on the field.

Pressing ▲ during a game brings up the Movement menu. If your team has the ball, you will have options: Auto, Manual A, and Manual B. The computer controls player movement in Auto, the default setting. Manual A and Manual B allow you to control the player with the ball. In Manual A mode, direction of movement corresponds to the mini-map; swimming left always directs the player toward the enemy goal, while swimming right directs him toward his own goal. In Manual B mode, directional pad directs the ball carrier toward it. When you choose a Manual option, the Formation menu also appears. The default number of formations your team starts with is four, and you can earn more formations as your team level increases. The four standard formations are Normal, Mark Mode, Right Side, and Left Side.

Spira League → 10 matches of round robin competition, with league standings determined by total league points:
Win - 3 points
Tie - 1 point
Loss - 0 points

Tournaments → Compete in a tournament.
Exhibition → A practice match.

Blitzball players have a set of attributes that determine how well they shoot, pass, and tackle. Generally speaking, they start out pretty low, and level up as they play and gain experience.

Hit Point (HP): This attribute represents a player's stamina during the match. Every action a player takes while in possession of the ball consumes HP, including passing, shooting, and even just swimming. However, players automatically regenerate HP once rid of the ball.
Speed (SP): This attribute measures how fast a player moves during a game. A player with a high Speed attribute has a big advantage in blitzball; if your opponents can't keep up with you, you can make more accurate shots
Salary: Salary is the amount of Gil (in camp, you can name what you want instead of cash. Ex: cookies, etc) you pay the player for each game he or she plays with your team. Not all players require salary, so I'll leave that to your discretion.
Level: This is the player's current experience level, which is adjusted after every half of a match.
Endurance (EN): Endurance represents the amount of damage a player can take from enemy defenders while he has the ball. A player with high Endurance attribute has a better chance of breaking through several defenders. A player's Endurance is measured against the Attack attribute of the opposing team members.
Pass (PA): Passing determines how far a player can pass the ball accurately. The higher a player's Pass rating, the further he can throw the ball. A player's Pass attribute is measured against the Blocking attribute of the opposing team members.
Shoot (SH): Shooting is a measure of the speed and power at which a player can kick the ball toward the goal. A player's Shoot attribute is measured against the Block attribute of any defenders in the way, and also the Catch attribute of the goalie.
Attack (AT): A high Attack attribute can stop an enemy player in his tracks. The Attack attribute determines the strength of a defender's tackle. It comes into play when the ball carrier attempts to break through nearby defenders.
Block (BL): The Block attribute indicates the likelihood that a player will intercept passes or shots by an opponent. A high Block attribute is important for defenders. A player's Block attribute is measured against the Shoot and Pass attributes of the opposing player.
Catch (CA): The Catch attribute is only used by goalies. A goalie with a high Catch attribute has a better chance of stopping incoming shots. When a player attempts to score, his Shoot attribute is measured against the goalie's Catch ability.

Team Roster:
None yet. :(

((Reply here to get on the roster, with the name of your team and if anyone is added to it. Comments are all OOC.))

minigame info

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