[OOC] Character quotes. There are LOTS. And will be added to eventially.

Jun 29, 2008 11:20

There may be spoilers. Generic warning goes without saying, right?

Sometimes when I've got a lot on my mind, it just helps to go 'Aaaaaaaa!!'

That really hurt, you know. You big meanie.

You can cram your happy festival, you big meanie!

Just a feeling, but I think my dad kinda likes you.

I'm not giving up! *Grumbles...* I'm not giving up!

Tidus: Yeah, that's right! You can always count on Auron to complicate things!
Rikku: Yeah! Kimahri roars, and Auron runs off, and...
Auron: I never asked you to follow me.
Tidus: Hey, but that's what friends are for, right?
Rikku: Yep!

Rikku: Hey, hey, wait! What was all that about the Al Bhed lying and stuff?
Auron: Simple. Yuna has become Mika's only hope.
Rikku: Oh... okay.
Lulu: Just what does he think he can get away with?
Tidus: Time to teach him some manners!
Yuna: Yes, let's.

Cid: Fiends! There's nothin' to do but--
Rikku: *Mimicking Cid's accent* --But destroy the ship and all go down together!
Cid: Uhh...
Rikku: You gotta learn a little restraint, pop. If you crash the ship, then we can't go rescue Yunie! Leave the fiends... to us professionals!

Rikku: Hey! Maybe you could help us with the hymn.
Tidus: Hey, good idea!
Rikku: It's like, we need you to tell as many people as you can.
Shelinda: What should I tell them?
Rikku: A ship in the sky will sing the Hymn of the Fayth. When they hear it, we need everyone to sing along!
Wakka: Everyone in Spira!
Shelinda: I'm not sure I understand.
Rikku: You don't have to! Just tell everyone!

Wakka: Yuna, she knew what she was doing when she chose to become a summoner. To face Sin, ya? Yuna knew!
Rikku: But, Wakka, that's just totally wrong! Summoners shouldn't have to sacrifice themselves...just so the rest of Spira can be happy, right?

Wakka: What's a machina doing in the temple?
Rikku: I suppose it comes in handy.
Wakka: That's not what I mean! The teachings! What about the teachings?
Rikku: Hey, don't look at me!
Wakka: Another machina? Man...
Auron: So this is Yevon's true face. They betray their own teachings.
Wakka: They treated us like dirt.

Rikku: Where are you from?
Tidus: Zanarkand. I'm a blitzball player. Star player of the Zanarkand Abes!
Rikku: Did you... hit your head or something?
Tidus: Um... you guys hit me?

Rikku: Yuna, I say no! If we go down there, then you'll...
Yuna: Rikku. You're a true friend, and I thank you, but... I must go... down, to Zanarkand.
Rikku: I'm not saying we shouldn't go! But shouldn't we think about it some more? There's gotta be some kind of way we can save you, Yuna!
Yuna: All my life, I knew this moment would come.
Rikku: Yunie...
Yuna: Thank you, Rikku. Thank you for everything. *hugs Rikku*
Rikku: Don't say that, Yunie! It's not over yet!
Yuna: Tell Cid thank you.
Rikku: No... You can tell him yourself.
Yuna: Please...
Rikku: Yunie, don't say that because... we're gonna see each other again, okay?

Tidus: Rikku! You're Rikku! Hey! You're okay! How you been?
Rikku: Terrible!
Tidus: Yeah, you don't look so good. What happened?
Rikku: *Points at him* You beat me up, remember?

Rikku: Pretty please? Just a few minutes? I'm scared of lightning! Let's rest, please? Pretty please? I'm too young to die! You're mean... cruel! Your moms would be ashamed of you! Are you having fun doing this to me?
Auron: Fine, we rest. She's worse than the storm.

Tidus: I'm saying goodbye!
Rikku: Not now!!
Tidus: I know it's selfish... but this is my story!

Rikku: Anyway, I will take you there if you promise...that you won't tell anyone about it. Especially not Yevonites, okay? You know they don't like us Al Bhed. Who knows what they'd do if they knew?
Wakka: Gimme a break. What are you accusing Yevon of this time?
Rikku: Yevon did something really bad to us before...
Wakka: Well... you Al Bhed must've deserved it.

Rikku: Cover your eyes!
*Rikku throws something; there's a bright flash of light, commotion is heard, and everyone runs off*
Wakka: Wha-What was that?
Rikku: An Al Bhed flashbomb!

Rikku: You're right. You're right, Wakka. We Al Bhed, we... we weren't always like this. Sin destroyed the island where we all used to live. After that, we were scattered to every corner of Spira. But then, my dad brought the Al Bhed together again. If we put our minds to it and worked together, then we could make a new home. Everyone worked really hard, we had our Home back again... but now... why did things have to turn out this way?
Wakka: Rikku? Damn those Guado! What are they thinking?

(If you have to fight a Dark Flan) Say, is that edible?

Wakka: *to Rikku* ...How come you speak Al Bhed?
Tidus: Umm...
Rikku: Because I'm an Al Bhed, and that was my brother.
Wakka: *to Lulu and Tidus* You knew?
*Lulu and Tidus both nod*
Wakka: Why didn't you tell me?
Lulu: We knew you'd be upset.
Wakka: This is great. I can't believe I've been traveling with an Al Bhed! A Heathen!
Rikku: You're wrong! We have nothing against Yevon!
Wakka: But you Al Bhed use the forbidden machina! You know what that means? Sin was born because people used machina!
Rikku: You got proof? Show me proof!
Wakka: It's in Yevon's teachings! Not that you'd know!
Rikku: That's not good enough! Yevon says this! Yevon says that! Can't you think for yourself?
Wakka: Well then, you tell me! Where did Sin come from, huh?
Rikku: I... I don't know!
Wakka: Ha! You bad-mouth Yevon and that's all you can come up with?
Rikku: But... that doesn't mean you should do whatever they say without thinking! Nothing will ever change that way!
Wakka: Nothing has to change!
Rikku: You want Sin to keep coming back? There might be a way to stop it, you know?
Wakka: Sin will be gone once we atone for our past mistakes!
Rikku: When? How?
Wakka: *shaking his fist at Rikku* If we keep faith in Yevon's teachings it will be gone one day!
Rikku: Why do I even bother?

Rikku: The pilgrimages have to stop! If they don't, and they get to Zanarkand... they might defeat Sin. Yunie could... but then she... Yunie will die, you know? ...You know, don't you? Summoners journey to get the Final Aeon. Yuna told you, didn't she?! With the Final Aeon, she can beat Sin... but then... If she calls it, then the Final Aeon's gonna kill her. Even if she defeats Sin, it'll kill Yunie too, you know! *Knees buckle*

*About Leblanc* Maybe she'll go away if we ignore her.

Rikku-brand white magic goodness.

Time to go crazy and break things!

(As a samurai with a thick accent) You kirred my teachah.

So, I chop things up and we win? I definitely think I can handle that.

Rikku: I'm gonna kick you in the spleen!
Paine: Spleen?

Less talk! More fight!

I could do this blindfolded!

WHO'S your Rikku.

Activate Super-Duper-Mecha-Ultra-Assault Mode!

Shouldn't you be running scared by now?

Can we not almost die next time?

A hundred monkey points!

That's how it's done, spunky monkey!

Hey, a little healing over here?

Is it just me, or are we almost dead?

Booboos be gone! (Casting Curaga)

It's...Smiting Time! (Casting Holy)

Get outta here kid. Ya bother me.

Rikku: Duck soup!
Paine: Duck what?

Yuna: Give me a Y!
Rikku: Give me an R!
Paine: Give me a break.

Rikku: Dr. P is in the house!
Paine: ...Stop that.

*Rikku recieves a loud transmission from Brother*
Brother: This is Brother! How's it going?
Rikku: Be quiet! This is a covert operation. Over and out.
Brother: Rikku! How dare you speak to your leader like that!
Rikku: Ooh! Shut up, already!

Brother: *while Yuna is hanging off a cliff* RIKKUUUU!! What's your status?!
Rikku: Disasterific!
Brother: 'Disasterific' is not a word! Say 'disastrous' like the rest of Spira!
Paine: Want me to hurt him?
Rikku: That'd be great!

*YRP is ambushed by a Guardian Creature*
Rikku: Umm... think we need a password?
Paine: How about "kick... it's... ass".
Yuna: This is getting old.

Rikku: Okay, he's creeping me out.
Yuna: Seriously.

Paine: You're a pain. Minus four respect points, Rikku.
Rikku: Uh-oh, how many points left?
Paine: Forty-seven.
Rikku: That's not a whole lot, is it?

Gippal: Hey, it's Cid's little girl.
Rikku: *Sulkily* I have a name.

Yuna: *after LeBlanc breaks into the airship* Oh... poopie.
Rikku: Yunie, don't talk like that!
Yuna: I'm just copying you!

Paine: Sloppy victory...
Rikku: Better than a sloppy defeat.

canon info, ooc, character info

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