The Rules of Touchline

Apr 01, 2011 17:17

Unfortunately, we do have some rules, but they are simple and small in number:

- Don't be a jerk. Even if you don't necessarily like something that was prompted, no bashing or being rude, because not everyone out there has the exact same taste in things.

- Touchline is not your basic prompt/fill meme. While we do focus heavily on prompts-- members are free to post prompts and/or pairing ideas whenever the mood suits-- feel free to respond to any prompt with a fill, picspam, discussion of the pairing and/or prompt, or just with general flailing.

- Anything goes in terms of prompt fills. We love drabbles and ficlets just as much as we love longer stories, and we love art and video mixes as well! And double fills! And triple fills! The more fills, the better, in our opinion!

- Commenting can be done anonymously or under your user name, whichever you prefer.

Besides that, we're pretty much set. Have at it!

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