Apr 30, 2005 13:16
Bomb Bindler is the man. Its a fact. Hes fucking legendary.
Oh, and we got a new word, courtesy of Bomb himself....
Drunk + Stoned = Draked.
Dont ask, just accept.
Apr 27, 2005 23:24
Hello people.
Its been awhile since I last posted, and I have nothing to say really, but Im bored.
Soooooo, how are you all?
Apr 14, 2005 21:28
Sonic Youth tomorrow in Northampton. I cant wait. Judging by recent setlists, they have been playing Rain on Tin and Teenage Riot quite a bit. If they play both of those tomorrow (maybe along with some Washing Machine and Dirty material), I will be in heaven.
Apr 12, 2005 20:56
Turns out Im a good archer. Who woulda thought?
Apr 11, 2005 21:50
Sometimes I just like to type to soothe my obsessive compulsive fucked up brain.
I think, oh no! I dont have a new Live Journal entry for today! Must post! (Pitiful, really..fucking computers)
Well, this is one of those nights where I feel like posting for no reason.
If you dont like it, well, bite me.