This whole situation reminds me of when I used to float horribly ridiculously priced estimates on computer upgrades, and when my boss said "What the shit that's too spensive," I'd give the more appropriate (and what I wanted) estimate and it'd get passed immediately.
Thats not good...the Dems should have welcomed her because G.W. is only going to pick a more conservative justice than Miers. He tossed the Dems a bone and they turned it down. The next nominee isnt going to be female and will be far more right.
Even if Miers WAS simply bait, she was so grossly underqualified for the position that to me, it's even scarier to have an underexperienced Justice than a right winger who knows what's going on. And besides, nobody wanted to attach their name to her.
Comments 5
His handlers are pretty clever.
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