Title: Nattergal
Pairing(s): Ohno/Sho
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Nope
Word count: 2,018
Summary: AU. Forced to marry against their wills, Sho and Ohno embark on a journey to salvage the rest of their lives and their life together.
Authors' notes: So soon, the Nattergal is out. Two more after this!
Ohno’s quarters are in a flurry after Sho’s realization. )
Comments 29
try listening to track 1 of Ohoku OST as you read this chapter. OMG the song seriously suits this chapter.
I'm relieved, really relieved at how things turned out. =)
The song just happened to be playing as I read this chapter! Glad that someone agrees with me! ^^
thank u
I can't help loving this. All the relationships, and the way everything holds itself together.
The roles they have to play, and the boundaries they cross. It is so full of WIN!! And yes, I know that it definitely not an adequate adjective to describe just how amazing this fic is, but it's about as eloquent as I get:p
I'm feeling the Jun/Aiba love like a big, happy bubble in my chest. The Sho/Ohno makes me melt.
The Nino being a neener is LOVE!!
Thank you!!
yaay~~~~thank god the things turn up good^^
and quite sad coz only have 2 parts moreT_T
but...i'm looking forward~~~~
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