This is the official quotes list from anime expo 2009 *whoot*. This is as much a part of our memories as the pictures. They are kind of out of order & not all the quotes were between all 4 of us but still epic. ;3
Tangy: "I need to charge my phone"
Lisa: "I need to charge my....toothbrush"
Tommy: " I want to make an amv parody about code geass."
Minh: "why?"
Tommy: "don't they seem a littly gayish to you?"
Group: "ha. Ha. Ha. Hahahahaha" (see amv comedy entry 1)
Lisa: "when I get up in the morning, it looks like I just got of bed.." (hehehe minh's example: people died when they are killed"
Minh: "Now that we fed her, is she feeling better?"
Thanh: "a little better. No worries, ill just give her julianne (to feel better)"
Lisa:"what did we do the first night of anime expo?"
Others: "um, unexpected newcomers!"
Wes: "hey, a public hotsprings!"
Julianne: "pew pew" (sound a gun makes)
Julianne: "hey minh, I dropped my badge. Can you pick it up for me? *wink wink* "
Lisa: "omg, it looks like porn."
Tangy: "....are u kidding? The woman moaning was not a clue for you"
Summery of minh's bag: "Penis. Muscle. Flex."i
Julianne: "Sure, ask the white guy to read japanese over me"
Summery of our pictures: "My arms doesn't bend that way!"
Wes: "Hey minh, wanna come over & practice our hearts :)"
Us: "hey L, do you have a penis?"
Guy: "oh, I didn't think you were that young?"
Julianne: "cause wes said so"
Lisa: "(in the car) omg! I feel the elevator."
Julianne: 'the elevator effect!"
(Makes left turn) Awwwwwwwwwwwww.
Wes: "is that the elevator effect"