Title: Cravings
Anime: Bleach
Pairing/Character/s: Ichigo/Rukia
Warning: PG-13
Word Count: 400
Summary: Life is great for Rukia. Seriously.
A/N: I got this strange feeling that I would be writing a series of related drabbles for a long long time.
All was well in the Kurosaki household until the silence was punctured by the sound of a heavy object deciding to have a sudden and very intimate relationship with the floor.
There was stunned silence until the above-mentioned heavy object moaned with absolute misery.
“I want to eat chocolate-flavored ice-cream.”
With a hand rubbing at the sore parts, Ichigo groggily opened an eye and glared up at the culprit who was currently looming over the side of the bed.
“I want to eat chocolate-flavored ice-cream.” The non-repentant culprit repeated with a louder volume.
“Now? Where on earth do you think I can get ice-cream at bloody 4am in the morning?”
“I don’t care. Baby and I want to eat ice-cream. Now!”
“Can you please go back to sleep? I am dead tired from all the running around to satisfy your cravings.”
“No. I waaaaaaaant ice-cream!”
Seeing that the scowling man was thinking of more ways to divert her attention from ice-cream and made her go back to sleep, Rukia decided to change tactics and use her ultimate weapon.
“Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I knew it. You don’t love me anymore. You do not even fulfill such a tiny request of mine. Oh woe is me. Poor baby. Your papa is going to abandon us and go gallivanting to some other younger and prettier woman.”
Ichigo fully knew that she was just play-acting and God knew how many times he had seen her do it back in the human world. But the sad fact was that he could never resist her tears (made-believe or not) which the petite-sized shinigami was definitely aware and had been taking advantage of.
“All right! I will get ice-cream. Just shut up!” Ichigo was just about to turn to the cupboards in search of fresh clothes to wear when Rukia catapulted herself onto his back.
“Idiot! Can you stop jumping around? What if you missed and fell?” His hands automatically moved to her butt to provide support and he was just about to go into another one of his famous tirades about stupid pregnant woman who did not cared about safety when Rukia planted a loud kiss at the side of his right cheek.
“Thank you.”
Rukia lie back at the bed with all the pillows supporting her back and looking at her uncomfortable-looking husband trying to get dressed with red ears and decided that life was really not that bad after all.