I'm currently a bit pissed.
1. I got spoilered two times for PoT 359 without clicking any cuts whatsoever.
2. I accept that you don't really get around spoilers for the newest chapters if you are an active member of LJ fandom. Thus I tried to read (and now buy) the newest chapters at least in the week they come out.
But NOW people start talking
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Comments 14
I really really wonder how they get that... I suspected Chinese sites before, nd apparently it's true. But it's still a mistery ^^;
Meine Vermutung vorhin war, dass da vllt irgendwelche Leute ausplaudern, die in Druckereien oder so arbeiten ... weil anders KANN es nicht sein, und die Spoiler STIMMEN ja auch ...
Aber über PoT 359 bin ich noch nicht gestolpert XD
aber bei Tsubasa hat's mich echt gewundert...
Ich tipp inzwischen auf
a) Die Chinesen haben auch wöchentliche Magazine, vielleicht erscheinen die zeitgleich oder vor der Jump?
b) Mangalesen per Handy? Vielleicht werden da Seiten auch schon vorher released.
c) Undichte Stellen in Druckereien, Vertrieben etc.
Ja, das letzte Mal hats ja auch gestimmt. Und ich hoffe einfach mal, dass es dieses Mal auch stimmt *_*
a) Vor der Jump fände ich schon ungewöhnlich ... schließlich ist es Original-japanisch.
b) xDDD Scheiß-Technik, das kann durchaus sein *lol*
c) Jupp. Entweder das oder jemand schläft sich durch diverse wichtige Leute um Infos zu erhalten |D
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Hmmm, wirklich seltsam. Aber Jiddy meinte auch, dass es da vielleicht undichte Stellen in den Druckereien gibt...
I usually try not to spoil people because I know some of you are really paranoid over it, but I might not be overly careful so I'm sorry about that. ;;
Your spoiler probably wouldn't have made any sense, if not somebody on the tenipuri comm spoilered before about certain developments... but don't worry, yes? ;)
Or whatever. It'd be of major fun if this turns out to be an online canard XDDDDD Although it's not April 1st.
I messed up the cut things twice before I realized I had put a slash into the opening tag =.= Did you happen to go over my LJ during those 2 minutes? If yes, I'm terribly sorry >.< Will try my best to not let it happen again. ^^''
Hmmm, ai_chi said before that those spoilers are always very accurate.
But I know for sure - and I checked two times - that last week(Wednesday) the new Shonen Magazine came out but there was no Tsubasa in there. So the new chapter must be released in this week's Magazine. Which comes out in... uh... two days.
Shonen Jump comes out on Mondays, but it takes them normally until Friday to scanlate it. Tsubasa is mostly scanlated right on spot (Wednesdays). It could be Tuesday sometimes because of the different time zones. (when you buy it on 0 o'clock here, it's still early evening in Europe.)
Aw, I'm glad. A huuuuge rock dropped from my chest. I know how evil it is to read spoilers by accident (happened to me with Death Note - still pissed off about that).
Hmya, last week's jump wasn't supposed to have Tsubasa in it, the chapter before said something about a break. Anyway, today the new one's officially out! And tomorrow I'll get to read it, yatta~~~
...You know how I ENVY Japan for being able to buy things at midnight? |D They only do it for Harry Potter here >.> *that sucks*
Tsubasa runs in the Weekly Shonen Magazine (the same as Air Gear)... which comes out on Wednesday. Sorry!
Weirdly I tried to get the Jump yesterday and they did not have it. Said something about it "coming out on Saturday" O___o;;?
But I'm positive I'll get Shonen Magazine on time. Yosh!
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